iFluent is a full-stack clone of iTalki, an online platform that connects language-learning enthusiasts with teachers who teach a variety of languages. iFluent features the ability to discover teachers across different languages, as well as the ability to book lessons.
- Backend: Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL
- Frontend: React, Redux
- Other: AWS
Designed the ability to search for teachers by language by sending the language name as a query and establishing Active Record associations between teachers and languages to filter teachers based on the given language.
Enhanced query fetch performance by prefetching data associations using Active Record’s includes method, avoiding N+1 queries for nested associations.
Improved state organization by storing core data types in objects and making the IDs as keys and data as values, achieving constant lookup time and normalizing the Redux store.
Implemented secure user authentication by storing hashed passwords generated using Bcrypt and storing session tokens using Rail’s Session to maintain user-specific state to correctly identify users upon HTTP requests.
Leveraged the React-Slick library to build a photos carousel that allows users to click through slides using navigation arrows.
def index
@language = Language.find_by(language: params[:language]) #language name
if @language
@teachers = @language.taught_by_teachers
render json: ["No teachers found for this language"], status: 422
def create
@booking = Booking.new(booking_params)
if @booking.save
render :show
render json: @booking.errors.full_messages, status: 422
def booking_params
params.require(:booking).permit(:student_id, :teacher_id, :start_time, :duration, :lesson_item_id)
handleSelectedTimeOption(id) {
const allTimeOptions = Array.from(
let option;
for (let i = 0; i < allTimeOptions.length; i++) {
let option = allTimeOptions[i];
let optionId = parseInt(allTimeOptions[i].id);
if (option.selected || optionId === id) {
option.selected = !option.selected;