Container set up with build tools in order to run Android builds in a Docker setup.
- Base: phusion/baseimage:focal-1.0.0
- Java11 JDK: latest as-of 21.08.2021
- android-packages.txt
- dependencies.txt
image: anthonymonori/android-ci-image:<version>
Note: to find the latest version, please navigate to the Releases tab.
docker login
docker pull anthonymonori/android-ci-image:<version>
docker run -it -d -p <port>:<port-internal> --name <container-name> anthonymonori/android-ci-image:latest
Note: of course, you need to change <port>,<port-internal>,<container-name> to run the above command lines. You also might want to enable the variable on whatever cloud solutions you are running.
docker build .
docker push anthonymonori/android-ci-image
Use the Issues
tab above.