In need of an easy and fast hydrator I had issues with the most common hydrators so I build my own. No dependencies - only if you want to.
$hydrator = new SetGetHydrator();
$object = $hydrator->hydrate(['foo_bar' => 123], new Object());
echo $object->getFooBar(); // 123
Considering Object
to have setFooBar($value)
and getFooBar()
$object = new Object();
$hydrator = new SetGetHydrator();
$data = $hydrator->extract($object);
echo $data['foo_bar']; // 123
This package's ClassMethods
hydrator requires zendframework/zend-filter
requires zendframework/zend-servicemanager
which is annoying overhead.
This package requires nikic/php-parser in an older version which is not
compatible to phpstan/phpstan
. I don't want to be blocked by dependencies.
This package requires me to define a property mapping which I don't want to define.
You know, Doctrine.