I’m Antonio Magherini, graduate MSc in Civil Engineering - Hydraulic Engineering track at TU Delft, in the Netherlands.
My main interests are river morphodynamics and modelling, river interventions, flood risk and natural hazards mitigation. Hydrology and in general hydraulic engineering topics are also part of my likings. During my studies in Delft I was introduced to the various aspects of modelling, programming, and above all, the broad fields of machine learning and deep learning.
I had the opportunity to intern at Deltares working on my Master's thesis. The resarch focused on morphological modelling of braided sand-bed rivers through deep learning and by means of satellite images. My thesis report is available at TU Delft repository. The code repository is available here.
Previously, I was teaching assistant at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences for the common module MUDE - Modelling, Uncertainty and Data for Engineers. This module aims to provide the students with the necessary tools for civil engineering and earth sciences applications. More recently I was also student assistant for the project STREAMS - Stakeholder Training in River Engineering And Management Simulation. Within this project, we developed Facing Floods, a serious game for simulating stakeholder participation in river engineering decision-making processes which is available on Edusources.
During my second year of the master I performed some laboratory experiments on the accumulation of plastic particles upstream of hydraulic structures at the Hydraulic Engineering Laboratory of TU Delft. I published an abstract of this experience and presented it at the NCR DAYS 2024. If you are interested, you can read my abstract and the full book of abstracts.
If you wish to contact me, please send an e-mail to [email protected].
If you prefer, you can also send me a message on LinkedIn. I'm looking forward to get in touch with you! :)
The image is downloaded from Your Name in Landsat website. ↩