_LUCA and _NIRS_BOX instance
- modify in measure.h the #define _LUCA or #define _NIRS
- load the LUCA_TRS.lib and NIRS_DLL_v2.lib libraries in the LabWindows Project
SPCM Board by b&h
- Check environment: 32=both Windows and TRS at 32bit, 32x64=Windows @64 TRS@32 bit, 64=both Windows and TRS at 64bit
- load the corresponding library in the LabWindows Project (e.g. SPCM32.lib, SPCM32x64.lib, SPCM64.lib) and verify date or versione
- check or copy the corresponding .DLL file in the TRS forlder, with same name and version of the library (For TR17.1 version is 4.0 dated 2015)