Slight docker code used to make python app like flask, remy, pysimpleguiweb,.... linked with lets-encrypt and nginx-proxy:
Clone any code that you want to host on the web : git clone
Im using the python code of one of my colleagues " Shannon for dummies "
If you want to host it as well you need to add small changes to the code
line 36 and 37:
line 69:
line 383:
window = sg.Window('Shannon\'s Equation for Dummies', layout ,disable_close=True, finalize=True, element_justification='center', **web_cfg)
add line 655:
Create a network named nginx-proxy
with the 2 letsencrypt and nginx-proxy containers inside
Use docker inspect <container-name>
when launching you container to get the ip of it and change YOUR-IP in the code
Create the image for the python web-app with docker-compose build
Now launch your container with docker-compose up -d
You can check the logs with docker logs python3.8
or docker-compose logs
You can check the status of your container with docker ps -a
I personnonaly use a cron task every hour to reset the webpage and the ram used by python `0 * * * * docker-compose restart'