Table of Contents
Project consists of a portfolio of personal expenses in C language and with storage of information in an external file.
Option 1 - This option allows the insertion of a transaction to the account, which can be an income or expense. In addition to the transaction type, you must enter the amount, date and transaction category (within the defined options). Such information will be registered in the user's account.
Option 2 - This option displays the personal account movement report, which can be displayed in two ways: Annual or by category. The first displays all transactions from the year prior to the recurring or from a specific year, while the second prompts the user for a category and displays all transactions for that category in the last month or in a specific month.
Option 3 - This option displays the user's current balance.
Option 4 - This option asks the user if he wants to remove a specific transaction from his history or if he wants to remove all his data from the application.
Option 5 - Displays the statement of all bank transactions.
# Clone the repository
$ git clone
# Access the project folder in your terminal / cmd
$ cd wallet-in-c
# You need to install the compiler
$ sudo apt-get install g++
# Compile project
$ g++ -o main source/*.c main.c
# In both Windows and Linux, the execution is done by executing the following lines in the terminal, or using an IDE of your choice.
# Execute the binary
$ ./main