This codebase is an implementation of the Reversi game, complete with a game board, rules keeping, and player management.
To initiate and start a game of Reversi, you need to provide information about the two players you want to engage in the match.
Follow this guide for each of the two players:
- For a human player, enter:
- For an AI player focused on capturing the most pieces, enter:
- For an AI player avoiding corner spots, enter:
- For an AI player targeting corner spots, enter:
- For a custom combination strategy, enter:
followed by the number of strategies (n
) and the strategy names fromstrategy1
, andstrategy3
// NOTE: player1 will always use piece X and player2 will always use piece O
// two human players
command line input: human human
// player1 is a human, player 2 is an AI playing to capture the most pieces at each turn
command line input: human strategy1
// player 1 is an AI playing to capture the most pieces at each turn, player 1 is a human
command line input: strategy1 human
// player 1 is a human, player 2 plays a combination of all strategies in the order 3->2->1
command line input: human manystrategy 3 strategy3 strategy2 strategy1
// player 1 plays a combination of all strategies in the order 3->2->1, player 2 is a human
command line input: manystrategy 3 strategy3 strategy2 strategy1 human
// player 1 is a human, player 2 plays a combination of all strategies in the order 1->2->3
command line input: human manystrategy 3 strategy1 strategy2 strategy3
// player 1 plays a combination of all strategies in the order 1->2->3, player 2 is a human
command line input: manystrategy 3 strategy1 strategy2 strategy3 human
// player 1 plays a combination of strategy 1 and 2, in the order
// 2->1 (if strategy2 fails to find a move, it tries strategy1), player 2 is a human
command line input: manystrategy 2 strategy2 strategy1 human
On the human player's view, use the mouse to click on any tile to select that tile
(it will highlight blue), then press enter
to make a move to that selected tile.
If you wish to pass your turn, press spacebar
The codebase is organized into the following packages:
- model: contains the core Reversi game model components, including the main game model interfaces
(ReversiModel and ReadOnlyReversiModel) and their implementation (ReversiGameModel).
- model Package:
- ReversiModel: Interface for playing a game of Reversi.
- ReadOnlyReversiModel: Interface for accessing game state information.
- ReversiGameModel: The concrete implementation of ReversiModel.
- Tile: Represents a tile on the game board.
- ReversiPiece: Enum representing the states of tiles (EMPTY, BLACK, WHITE).
- GameStatus: Enum representing game status options (PLAYING, WON, STALEMATE).
- model Package:
- view: this package holds components responsible for rendering the game's visual representation.
- view Package:
- ReversiView: Interface for viewing a full game of Reversi.
- SimpleReversiView: Interface for viewing a simple game of Reversi.
- ReversiTextualView: A class that implements the SimpleReversiView interface to provide a textual representation of the Reversi game.
- ReversiGUIView: An extension of JFrame to serve as our window for visually viewing the game.
- ReversiPanel: An extension of JPanel to serve as our canvas for visually viewing and interacting with the game.
- HexTile: Represents the gui representation of a tile from the model class. Has the ability to draw itself on the canvas.
- view Package:
- controller: this package contains components responsible for communication resulting in game play
between the model view and players.
- controller Package:
- PlayerActionFeatures: Represents any event that can happen on the canvas.
- ModelStatusFeatures: Features interface for handling any changes to model status.
- IReversiController: Interface for reconciling between model, view/player.
- ReversiController: Implementation of the controller that follows the "is-a" relationship with the features, listening for and executing changes to the model and view
- IEmitPlayerActions: Interface for defining the notifications that can be sent by anything to listeners of player actions.
- controller Package:
- player: contains components for making game play decisions, like a Player interface, a
concrete player class, and interfaces and classes to work to represent a Player's next move and
- player Package:
- ReversiPlayer: Interface representing a player of Reversi.
- Player: A class representing a player with a move strategy and Reversi piece.
- IPlayerMoveStrategy: Interface for executing a player move in the model, if valid.
- Strategy: Class representing an infallible Reversi game strategy, that will return the next move to make given the state of a game model.
- HumanStrategy: Class representing the strategy of a human, which takes in user input to determine the next move.
- CaptureMostStrategy: Class representing the strategy of determining the next move by choosing a valid tile from that will yield the most tiles flipped over.
- PlayCornersStrategy: Class representing the strategy of determining the next move by choosing a valid tile from that will yield the most tiles flipped over that is in the corner.
- AvoidNextToCornersStrategy: Class representing the strategy of determining the next move by choosing a valid tile from that will yield the most tiles flipped over that is not next to a corner.
- ManyStrategy: Class representing the combination of multiple strategies to determine the next move by getting the next valid move by going through all the strategies. if one fails, it tries the next in its repertoire.
- IPlayerMove: Interface representing a player move. (either pass or move)
- Pass: Class representing a pass move, a type of move that a player can make.
- Move: Class representing moving a piece, a type of move that a player can make.
- player Package:
Represents a read-only model for a Reversi game, which contains methods to access to game state info such as getting what pieces are on the board at a certain position, the current player, and game status (won, tied, still playing).
The ReversiModel interface extends the ReadOnlyReversiModel and defines methods for the functionality of the game, including methods for mutating the game state by either placing a piece or passing a turn.
The ReversiGameModel
class implements the ReversiModel interface and provides the actual game
logic. Create instances of the ReversiGameModel (giving it a sideLength of the board to play on)
to actually play/test the game.
The Tile
class represents a tile with cubic coordinates, which are used to construct the game
board for Reversi. It includes methods for accessing the coordinates, finding neighboring tiles, and
adding direction vectors. We chose tiles with cubic coordinates for the hexagonal board due to their simplicity and
efficiency in representing tile positions. they provide a consistent and symmetrical system
where each tile's position is defined by three integers (q, r, s) with q + r + s = 0,
which simplifies operations like finding neighboring tiles (which is a key part of Reversi).
q goes along the x axis (moving left on the hexagon decrements the q coordinate, moving right on the
hexagon increases the q coordinate), r goes along the y axis (moving north up the hexagon decrements
the r coordinate, moving south down the hexagon increases the r coordinate), s is like the northwest
axis(moving northwest up the hexagon increases the s coordinate, moving southeast down the hexagon
decrements the s coordinate). the origin in a board is a tile with (0, 0, 0), which indicates the
center of the hexagonic board.
The ReversiPiece
enum represents the game pieces used in Reversi. It includes three
values: EMPTY
, and WHITE
. These pieces are mapped to a tile to form the gameboard.
The GameStatus
enum represents the state options of Reversi. It includes three
values: PLAYING
To start, create an instance of ReversiGameModel
by giving the
side length of the hexagonal game board in the constructor. The game will initialize with the
starting positions
of pieces, and you can make moves by calling the move
method (which automatically switches to the
next player's turn after the move)
and pass your turn using the pass
Here's an example of how to create and play the model:
// makes a game with a hexagonal board of side length 6
ReversiModel model = new ReversiGameModel(6);
model.move(-1, -1, 2); // move made by black
model.move(-2, -1, 3); // move made by white
model.pass(); // black just passed, its white's turn again now
if (game.isGameOver()) {
ReversiPiece winner = game.getWinner();
System.out.println("The winner is: " + winner);
Represents the interface for a Player of Reversi.
Represents the Player Moves that are available in the Reversi game. As of now, only move or pass.
Represents a strategy pattern for Reversi players. implementers of this must define a method to return an Optional that represents the next valid position to move to. If a strategy finds multiple tiles that will be the best move, then it will return the tile with the upper-left most coordinates in the board. If there is a tile between a tile that is up and left, then it will choose the left most tile. Current implemented strategies are: CaptureMostStrategy (), AvoidNextToCornersStrategy(), PlayCornersStrategy(), ManyStrategy(List strategiesToPlayInOrder);
Represents an Infallible Strategy for Reversi. It attempts an IPlayerMoveStrategy to find a move, but if it fails to find a move, or chooses to pass, then the strategy says to pass.
Represents a Player of Reversi, which plays a given strategy and has a piece associated with it.
Represents a position on a board on which the Reversi game is being played. Has a q, r, s coordinate (see tile for explanation on coordinates.)
Here's an example of how to create and play the model using the players and strategies:
// makes a game with a hexagonal board of side length 7
model = new ReversiGameModel(7);
Strategy captureMost = new Strategy(new CaptureMost());
ReversiPlayer AIEasy = new Player(captureMost, ReversiPiece.BLACK);
// this method call will return the move made by the captureMost strategy
IPlayerMove nextMove = AIEasy.getPlayerDecision(model);
The ReversiView interface represents the view interface for textually viewing a game of Reversi, using a method to render the model's board.
The ReversiTextualView class is an implementation of the ReversiView interface, providing a textual representation of a game of Reversi. It renders the current state of the ReversiModel as a String.
The ReversiGUIView is an extension of JFrame, that serves as our window for visually viewing the game. It holds the canvas on it and listens to the panel.
The ReversiPanel is an extension of JPanel to serve as our canvas for visually viewing and interacting with the game. It implements mouse-click listener and key listener. If someone clicks on a tile, then it highlights blue. If a tile is clicked and the key "enter" is clicked, then the panel indicates that there is a wish to move to that tile. If a tile is clicked and the key "space" is clicked, then the panel indicates that there is a wish to pass the current turn.
Represents the gui representation of a tile from the model class. Has the ability to draw itself on the canvas, and translates the model tile's q,r,s coordinates into pixel x,y coordinates.
Represents any event that can happen on the canvas
Here's an example of how to create and view the model using the gui view:
// makes a game with a hexagonal board of side length 6
ReversiModel model = new ReversiGameModel(6);
ReversiGUIView view = new ReversiGUIView(model);
// now, the user can interact with the board (click tiles and enter/space) and resize the window
Here's an example of how to create and view the model using the textual view:
// makes a game with a hexagonal board of side length 7
model = new ReversiGameModel(7);
view = new ReversiTextualView(model);
// this outputs the initial state as a string, which is just
// 3 black and 3 white pieces in alternating order in the innermost hexagon
move(-1, -1, 2); // move made by black
// this now shows black's piece ("X") at tile (-1, -1, 2) and the white
// piece on the tile that black went over to get to the dest tile is now a black piece
move(-2, -1, 3); // move made by white
// this now shows white's piece ("O") at tile (-2, -1, 3) and the black
// piece on the tile that white went over to get to the dest tile is now a white piece
The Reversi interface represents the controller interface for playing a game of Reversi. Any implementation of this interface must handle player action to play the game.
This interface is the "features" interface for the model, where all methods in this interface involve handling the notification from the model of a change to the game, such as turn change and the game being over. Listeners of the model will implement in this features interface to observe the model.
This interface is the "features" interface for both the player (for AI players) and the view (for human players), where all methods in this interface involve handling the notification from either the player or the view that of a player action that wishes to change the game, such as indicating a player they want to move to a certain tile or pass their turn. Listeners for player actions will implement in this features interface to observe the model.
This interface is for classes that emit notifications to the controller about chosen player actions, such as the view (for human players) or the player itself (for AI players), defining what notifications should be sent.
- added a getScoreMethod in the ReadOnlyModel Interface, since its an observation method. It iterates over the the board and returns the number of tiles occupied by the given player's piece
- added a isLegalMove method that takes in q, r, s coords and a piece that wishes to move there. This is now a public method (as opposed to private) as players (specifically AI players) need to know where they can move to or not.
- added the ability to copy a model completely. This copies the game board as well all other fields of a ReversiGameModel. This allows for efficient testing and ensuring differences in our strategies. also added a method that returns a copy of the current board, for the same reasons.
- added a clear explanation of our tile coordinates
- fixed the key press functionality from pt2 to now work with a player action interface that follows the
notification/subscriber pattern (it used to just print to command line, now we have a methods
notifyMoveChosen and notifyPassChosen that get called when a tile selected +
is pressed, respectively - made an update method for the JPanel, then when called, will repaint the view's board.
- created a new type of IPlayerMove, called
that gets returned from the human strategy's playStrategy method since the Optional.of(ReversiPosn) indicates a move and Optional.empty indicates a pass. for a human, they won't be using their strategy to determine their next move, they would be making that decision through the view, so therefore they need their own representation of their move for their strategy. - added more detail to readme about what specific key presses mean.
We successfully implemented and tested a human strategy, strategies 1, 2, and 3, and the ability to combine the strategies in any order (using a strategy that takes in a list of strategies and executes them in order (if the first fails, try the second... and so on until all strats in the list have been tried)) from the course website. This is all present in src/cs500.reversi/player.