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Storefront API Client

The Storefront API Client manages the API's authentication information and provides various methods that enables devs to interacts with the API.


Public access token client initialization

import {createStorefrontApiClient} from '@shopify/storefront-api-client';

const client = createStorefrontApiClient({
  storeDomain: '',
  apiVersion: '2023-10',
  publicAccessToken: 'your-storefront-public-access-token',

Create a server enabled client using a private access token and a custom Fetch API


Private Storefront API delegate access tokens should only be used in server-to-server implementations and not within a browser environment.

In order to use the client within a server, a server enabled JS Fetch API will need to be provided to the client at initialization.

import {createStorefrontApiClient, CustomFetchApi} from '@shopify/storefront-api-client';
import {fetch as nodeFetch} from 'node-fetch';

const client = createStorefrontApiClient({
  storeDomain: '',
  apiVersion: '2023-10',
  privateAccessToken: 'your-storefront-private-access-token',
  customFetchApi: nodeFetch,

createStorefrontApiClient() parameters

Property Type Description
storeDomain string The domain of the store. It can be the Shopify domain or a custom store domain.
apiVersion string The requested Storefront API version
publicAccessToken? string Storefront API public access token. Either publicAccessToken or privateAccessToken must be provided at initialization.
privateAccessToken? string Storefront API private access token. Either publicAccessToken or privateAccessToken must be provided at initialization.
Important: Storefront API private delegate access tokens should only be used in a server-to-server implementation.
clientName? string Name of the client
retries? number The number of HTTP request retries if the request was abandoned or the server responded with a Too Many Requests (429) or Service Unavailable (503) response. Default value is 0. Maximum value is 3.
customFetchAPI? (url: string, init?: {method?: string, headers?: HeaderInit, body?: string}) => Promise<Response> A replacement fetch function that will be used in all client network requests. By default, the client uses window.fetch().
logger? (logContent: UnsupportedApiVersionLog |HTTPResponseLog|HTTPRetryLog) => void A logger function that accepts log content objects. This logger will be called in certain conditions with contextual information.

Client properties

Property Type Description
config StorefrontApiClientConfig Configuration for the client
getHeaders (customHeaders?: {[key: string]: string}) => {[key: string]: string} Returns Storefront API specific headers needed to interact with the API. If customHeaders is provided, the custom headers will be included in the returned headers object.
getApiUrl (apiVersion?: string) => string Returns the shop specific API url. If an API version is provided, the returned URL will include the provided version, else the URL will include the API version set at client initialization.
fetch <TData>(operation: string, options?: ApiClientRequestOptions) => Promise<Response> Fetches data from Storefront API using the provided GQL operation string and ApiClientRequestOptions object and returns the network response.
request <TData>(operation: string, options?: ApiClientRequestOptions) => Promise<ClientResponse<TData>> Requests data from Storefront API using the provided GQL operation string and ApiClientRequestOptions object and returns a normalized response object.

StorefrontApiClientConfig properties

Name Type Description
storeDomain string The secure store domain
apiVersion string The Storefront API version to use in the API request
publicAccessToken string | null The provided public access token
privateAccessToken string | null The provided private access token
headers {[key: string]: string} The headers generated by the client during initialization
apiUrl string The API URL generated from the provided store domain and api version
clientName? string The provided client name
retries? number The number of retries the client will attempt when the API responds with a Too Many Requests (429) or Service Unavailable (503) response

ApiClientRequestOptions properties

Name Type Description
variables? Record<string, any> Variable values needed in the graphQL operation
apiVersion? string The Storefront API version to use in the API request
customHeaders? Record<string, string> Customized headers to be included in the API request
retries? number Alternative number of retries for the request. Retries only occur for requests that were abandoned or if the server responds with a Too Many Request (429) or Service Unavailable (503) response. Minimum value is 0 and maximum value is 3.


Name Type Description
data? TData | any Data returned from the Storefront API. If TData was provided to the function, the return type is TData, else it returns type any.
errors? ResponseErrors Errors object that contains any API or network errors that occured while fetching the data from the API. It does not include any UserErrors.
extensions? {[key: string]: any} Additional information on the GraphQL response data and context. It can include the context object that contains the context settings used to generate the returned API response.


Name Type Description
networkStatusCode? number HTTP response status code
message? string The provided error message
graphQLErrors? any[] The GraphQL API errors returned by the server

Client request() response examples

Successful response

API response

  "data": {
    "product": {
      "id": "gid://shopify/Product/12345678912",
      "title": "Sample product # 1"
  "extensions": {
    "context": {
      "country": "US",
      "language": "EN"
Error responses

Network error

  "errors": {
    "networkStatusCode": 401,
    "message": ""

Storefront API graphQL error

  "errors": {
    "networkStatusCode": 200,
    "message": "An error occurred while fetching from the API. Review the `graphQLErrors` object for details.",
    "graphQLErrors": [
        "message": "Field 'testField' doesn't exist on type 'Product'",
        "locations": [
            "line": 17,
            "column": 3
        "path": ["fragment ProductFragment", "testField"],
        "extensions": {
          "code": "undefinedField",
          "typeName": "Product",
          "fieldName": "testField"

Usage examples

Query for a product

const productQuery = `
  query ProductQuery($handle: String) {
    product(handle: $handle) {

const {data, errors, extensions} = await client.request(productQuery, {
  variables: {
    handle: 'sample-product',

Create a localized cart

const cartCreateMutation = `
  mutation ($input: CartInput!, $country: CountryCode, $language: LanguageCode)
  @inContext(country: $country, language: $language) {
    cartCreate(input: $input) {
      userErrors {
      cart {

const {data, errors, extensions} = await client.request(cartCreateMutation, {
  variables: {
    input: {},
    country: 'JP',
    language: 'JA',

Query for shop information

const shopQuery = `
  query shop {
    shop {

const {data, errors, extensions} = await client.request(shopQuery);

Dynamically set the Storefront API version per request

const productQuery = `
  query ProductQuery($handle: String) {
    product(handle: $handle) {

const {data, errors, extensions} = await client.request(productQuery, {
  variables: {
    handle: 'sample-product',
  apiVersion: '2023-07',

Add custom headers to API request

const productQuery = `
  query ProductQuery($handle: String) {
    product(handle: $handle) {

const {data, errors, extensions} = await client.request(productQuery, {
  variables: {
    handle: 'sample-product',
  customHeaders: {
    'Shopify-Storefront-Id': 'shop-id',

Dynamically set the number of retries per request

const productQuery = `
  query ProductQuery($handle: String) {
    product(handle: $handle) {

const {data, errors, extensions} = await client.request(productQuery, {
  variables: {
    handle: 'sample-product',
  retries: 2,

Provide GQL query type to client.request()

import {print} from 'graphql/language';

// GQL operation types are usually auto generated during the application build
import {CollectionQuery} from 'types/appTypes';
import collectionQuery from './collectionQuery.graphql';

const {data, error, extensions} = await client.request<CollectionQuery>(
    variables: {
      handle: 'sample-collection',

Using client.fetch() to get API data

const shopQuery = `
  query shop {
    shop {

const response = await client.fetch(shopQuery);

if (response.ok) {
  const {errors, data, extensions} = await response.json();

Log Content Types


This log content is sent to the logger whenever an unsupported API version is provided to the client.

Property Type Description
type LogType['UNSUPPORTED_API_VERSION'] The type of log content. Is always set to UNSUPPORTED_API_VERSION
content {apiVersion: string, supportedApiVersions: string[]} Contextual info including the provided API version and the list of currently supported API versions.


This log content is sent to the logger whenever a HTTP response is received by the client.

Property Type Description
type LogType['HTTP-Response'] The type of log content. Is always set to HTTP-Response
content {requestParams: [url, init?], response: Response} Contextual data regarding the request and received response


This log content is sent to the logger whenever the client attempts to retry HTTP requests.

Property Type Description
type LogType['HTTP-Retry'] The type of log content. Is always set to HTTP-Retry
content {requestParams: [url, init?], lastResponse?: Response, retryAttempt: number, maxRetries: number} Contextual data regarding the upcoming retry attempt.

requestParams: parameters used in the request
lastResponse: previous response
retryAttempt: the current retry attempt count
maxRetries: the maximum number of retries


Property Type Description
url string Requested URL
init? {method?: string, headers?: HeaderInit, body?: string} The request information


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