- 在k8s中创建Service,设置selector
- edgecontroller watch到Service/Endpoint的事件,同步到edgehub,经metamanager保存到sqlite
- 用户边缘应用A请求用户应用B时,流量通过iptables规则全部劫持到edgemesh
- edgemesh解析应用层协议,调用metamanager查询Service/Endpoint/Pod等相关信息,根据负载均衡等策略选择目的地址,转发请求到同节点的用户边缘应用B
- 在k8s中创建Service,设置selector
- edgecontroller watch到Service/Endpoint的事件,同步到edgehub,经metamanager保存到sqlite
- 用户边缘应用A跨节点请求用户边缘应用B时,流量通过iptables规则全部劫持到edgemesh
- edgemesh解析应用层协议,调用metamanager查询Service/Endpoint/Pod等相关信息,根据负载均衡等策略选择目的地址,封装请求为
格式并转发请求到目的节点的edgemesh - 目的节点edgemesh解析
- 在k8s中创建Service,设置selector;创建Router Endpoint/Rule(数据结构见Router)
- edgecontroller watch到Service/Endpoint的事件:
- 根据Router Endpoint/Rule在edgecontroller的Router中创建Rule
- 同时同步到edgehub,经metamanager保存到sqlite
- 用户应用A请求用户云上服务B时,流量通过iptables规则全部劫持到edgemesh
- edgemesh解析应用层协议,调用metamanager查询Service/Endpoint/Pod等相关信息,根据负载均衡等策略选择目的地址,封装请求为
转发到edge_core中的Router然后转发到edgecontroller的Router - edgecontroller中的Router解析
- 在k8s中创建Service,设置selector;创建Router Endpoint/Rule(数据结构见Router)
- edgecontroller watch到Service/Endpoint的事件:
- 同步Router Endpoint/Rule到edgehub,根据Router Endpoint/Rule在edge_core的Router中创建Rule
- 同步Service/Endpoint到edgehub,经metamanager保存到sqlite
- 用户云上服务B请求用户边缘应用A时,流量经过istio,根据负载均衡等策略选择目的地址,封装成
格式并转发到Router - Router转发流量到edgehub,edgehub解析
并转发到edgemesh - edgemesh解析应用层协议,调用metamanager查询Service/Endpoint/Pod等相关信息,根据服务端QPS配置处理请求
- 转发请求到用户边缘应用A
- edgemesh在tcp server之上(tcp server)
- 从tcp connection中拿到数据后,猜测并最终确认上层协议(resolvers)
- edgemesh还会启动多种协议的server,用于接收请求然后根据配置实现服务端QPS(transport server)
- 通过socket方式调用metamanager接口查询Service/Endpoint/Pod等元数据(metamanager的元数据由云上的edgecontroller watch k8s master后同步),根据配置的路由/负载均衡/QPS/熔断等策略处理请求
- 转发请求:
- 目的地址是本节点应用的直接使用对应协议客户端转发到本节点edgemesh的对应协议server,根据服务端QPS策略处理请求
- 目的地址是跨节点应用的封装请求为
格式并通过edgehub转发到目的节点edgemesh的对应协议server,根据服务端QPS策略处理请求 - 目的地址是云上服务的封装请求为
- 通过对应请求的客户端转发请求到用户边缘应用
// Endpoint define how to access external service
type Endpoint struct {
// ID is the ID of the endpoint
ID string `orm:"column(id); size(36); pk" json:"id" yaml:"id"`
// Type is type of the endpoint
Type string `orm:"column(type); size(64)" json:"type" yaml:"type"`
// Name is name of the endpoint
Name string `orm:"column(name); size(64)" json:"name" yaml:"name"`
// ProjectID can be used to differentiate endpoints across projects
ProjectID string `orm:"column(project_id); size(36); index; null" json:"project_id" yaml:"project_id"`
// IsShared is flag to check if endpoint is shared
IsShared bool `orm:"column(is_shared); default(false)" json:"is_shared" `
// Properties is map used to store properties of an Endpoint
Properties Map `orm:"column(properties); size(10240)" json:"properties" yaml:"properties"`
// CreatedAt is endpoint creation timestamp
CreatedAt time.Time `orm:"column(created_at); auto_now_add; type(datetime)" json:"created_at" `
// UpdatedAt is last endpoint updation timestamp
UpdatedAt time.Time `orm:"column(updated_at); auto_now; type(datetime)" json:"updated_at" `
// Rule is reverse mapping of Rules of this endpoint
Rule []*Rule `orm:"reverse(many)" json:"-"`
// Rule define message translate from Endpoint to Endpoint
type Rule struct {
// ID is unique id of rule
ID string `orm:"column(id); size(36); pk" json:"id" yaml:"id"`
// Name is the name of the Rule
Name string `orm:"column(name); size(64)" json:"name" yaml:"name"`
// ProjectID can be used to differentiate rules across projects
ProjectID string `orm:"column(project_id); size(36); index" json:"project_id" yaml:"project_id"`
// DomainID is the domain from where the source is accessed
DomainID string `orm:"column(domain_id); size(36); index" json:"domain_id" yaml:"domain_id"`
// Source is the source Endpoint
Source *Endpoint `orm:"column(source); rel(fk)" json:"source" yaml:"source"`
// SourceResource is a map used to store resources required for source
SourceResource Map `orm:"column(source_resource); size(1024)" json:"source_resource" yaml:"source_resource"`
// Target is target endpoint
Target *Endpoint `orm:"column(target); rel(fk)" json:"target" yaml:"target"`
// TargetResource is a map used to store resources required for target
TargetResource Map `orm:"column(target_resource); size(1024)" json:"target_resource" yaml:"target_resource"`
// InUse is flag to check if rule is in use
InUse bool `orm:"column(in_use); default(true)" json:"in_use" yaml:"in_use"`
// IsDeleted is flag to check if rule is deleted
IsDeleted bool `orm:"column(is_deleted); default(false)" json:"is_deleted" `
// CreatedAt is rule creation timestamp
CreatedAt time.Time `orm:"column(created_at); auto_now_add; type(datetime)" json:"created_at" `
// UpdatedAt is last rule updation timestamp
UpdatedAt time.Time `orm:"column(updated_at); auto_now; type(datetime)" json:"updated_at" `
// SuccessMessages is the number of success messages for this rule
SuccessMessages uint64 `orm:"column(success_messages); default(0)" json:"success_messages" `
// FailMessages in the number of fail messages for this rule
FailMessages uint64 `orm:"column(fail_messages); default(0)" json:"fail_messages" `
// Error is reverse maping of error messages for this rule
Error []*Error `orm:"reverse(many)" json:"-"`