This is the client program for Argentum Forever
These are some initial code conventions to mantain a coherent style.
All names for classes, methods and functions must be in english
Variable names should be UpperCamelCase, also referred as PascalCase
Names always start with an uppercase letter. No use of spaces or underscore. Use an uppercase letter to start each words. Names must be meaningful and help the reader to understand the code. Don't use names like: test, prueba, etc.
All variable names MUST BE IN ENGLISH. Must be meaningful and help to understand the code. There is more freedom, they can be lowercase and use special chars like _
Names for constants must be uppercase. For example: HEALTH is good, but not Health nor health.
Member variables in classes must start with m to hint member of a class. For example mHealth is correct. Members must not start with _ or any other lower case letter different from m
- Pablo Ignacio Marquez @morgolock
- Horacio Garofalo @haracinn
- Alejandro Cordara @alearg13
- Jorge Gabriel Leni
- Cristobal Zingarelli @pimblack
- Bruno de Angelis @brunodeangelis
- Sebastian Avena @linqen
- Juan I. Tonelli @jitdevar