Apache Traffic Control 5.1.1
Apache Traffic Control 5.1.1
Released April 1st, 2021
Apache Traffic Control 5.1.1 is available here:
Release Notes
- Atscfg: Added a rule to ip_allow such that PURGE requests are allowed over localhost
- #5565 - TO GET /caches/stats panic converting string to uint64
- #5558 - Fixed
to report aggregatebandwidth_kbps
correctly. - Fix for config gen missing max_origin_connections on mids in certain scenarios
- #5192 - Fixed TO log warnings when generating snapshots for topology-based delivery services.
- Fixed Invalid TS logrotate configuration permissions causing TS logs to be ignored by logrotate.
- #5604 - traffic_monitor.log is no longer truncated when restarting Traffic Monitor
- #1624 - Fixed ORT to reload Traffic Server if LUA scripts are added or changed.
- #5554 - TM UI overflows screen width and hides table data