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Releases: aphp/heemod

heemod 1.0.1

06 Feb 11:31
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heemod 1.0.0

Breaking changes

  • dplyr's pipe now causes an error when chaining survival operation. The new pipe |>
    is required in this situation.
  • define_survival() has been renamed define_surv_dist() for naming consistency
  • It is now necessary to use define_surv_fit() to specify a survival fit created
    with survfit(), flexsurvreg() or flexsurvspline()

New Features

  • It is now possible to run probabilistic sensitivity analysis (PSA) with survival
    objects - either created from a parametric distribution (with define_surv_dist)
    or with real data fitted with survfit() or flexsurvreg().
    See vignette("j-survival_2_psa")
  • plot.surv_object() gains psa argument allowing to plot the distribution to
    check for its variability.
  • Created method c.uneval_parameters() to combine outputs of define_parameters().

Other changes

  • All operation functions on survival objects are now of class surv_object

heemod 0.16.0

  • Remove lazyeval, plyr and pryr dependency
  • For PSM, when OS is lower to PFS, force the transition probability to be 0 (#7 @william-rawlinson)
  • get_who_mr() is working again
  • Mortality rates gathered with get_who_mr(..., local = TRUE) are only available as
    pooled for high income countries.
  • prop, multinom and make_gamma, deprecated since a long time are now unavailable,
    to be replaced with binomial, multinomial and gamma, respectively.
  • markov_cycle is now deprecated in favor of model_time and state_cycle in favor of state_time

heemod 0.15.1

Compliance with r-devel

heemod 0.15.0

  • Performance improvements: using state_time is much faster now, as well as probabilistic sensitivity analyses

heemod 0.14.5

  • Rebuild vignettes
  • fix guides( = FALSE)

heemod 0.14.4

  • updates for compatibility with rlang 1.0.0

heemod 0.14.2

  • checks cairo_pdf availability

heemod 0.14.0

Breaking changes

  • argument "method" for run_model was inverted. Now "beginning" overestimates costs and "end" underestimates costs (#345 @zaddyzad)

heemod 0.13.0

Prepare for dplyr 1.0.0


  • Fix problem with state_time (fix #343 @Reale3)

heemod 0.12.0


  • Ready for tibble 3.0
  • look_up() displays a more informative message when searching several values at once

heemod 0.11.0

Backend changes

  • States are now length 2 lists:

    • .dots: the state values
    • starting_values: the state values when entering the state
  • Compatibility with dplyr 0.8: replaced all underscored (SE) versions of all verbs


  • get_who_mr() is again able to fetch data from GHO server

heemod 0.10.0

New features

  • define_state() gains the starting_values argument (same as define_strategy()).

heemod 0.9.4

  • Compatibility with dplyr v0.8

heemod 0.9.3

Backend changes

  • Remove Hmisc dependency for weighted summaries.

heemod 0.9.2

Breaking changes

  • Survival function renamed: pool()=>mix().

New features

  • Starting values with define_starting_values().
  • Check for comma as a decimal separator in tabular data.
  • Auto-re-indent transition matrices with reindent_transition().
  • Discounting per year with the period argument.
  • BCEA interface with run_bcea().
  • use_distribution() to re-sample from empirical data (e.g. MCMC fit posterior distribution).


  • Better error-checking in multinomial parameters definition.
  • Cleaner define_psa() back-end code, variables can now be used to define distribution parameters.
  • Handle cases when parameters depend on state_time but those parameters are not used by a strategy.
  • Empty calls to modify() are supported.
  • Fix error in survival vignette.

Backend changes

  • The development branch is now called master, the release branch is called cran.
  • Survival operation are wrapped in a common class.
  • Expansion code moved to own function.
  • Faster computation of expanded states.
  • Stricter dependency version management (to avoid install failures on an outdated system).
  • Removed dependency to tidyr.

heemod 0.9.1

Breaking changes

  • Survival function renamed: project()=>join().
  • Removed get_code().

New features

  • NMB is now reported as relative values.


  • Fixed error with run_dsa() in state expansion situations.

Backend changes

  • Multiple changes to prepare for the dplyr update 0.6.0.

heemod 0.9.0

heemod can now be cited with:

Filipovic-Pierucci A, Zarca K and Durand-Zaleski I (2017).
“Markov Models for Health Economic Evaluations: The R
Package heemod.” ArXiv e-prints. R package version
0.8.0, 1702.03252

  • Model calibration with calibrate_model().
  • init and inflow can refer to values from define_parameters(), and are thus accessible to PSA / DSA.
  • inflow can be time-varying.

Breaking changes

  • get_probs_from_surv()=>compute_surv().

New features

  • Operations on survival functions, see vignette("j-survival"). Thanks to Jordan Amdahl.
  • Model calibration with calibrate_model(). Thanks to Matthew Wiener.
  • State membership correction works for partitioned survival model.
  • Custom state membership correction functions can be passed to the method argument of run_model().
  • get_who__mr() can take a region argument, and automatically pool results when sex is not passed.
  • Additional DSA plotting options.


  • heemod::discount() now produces results similar to discount().

Backend changes

  • Renamed memoised functions.
  • NSE aliases (*_) to survival operation functions.

heemod 0.8.0

Breaking changes

  • strategy becomes a reserved parameter name.
  • Counting method "half-cycle" is deprecated.
  • resample argument in run_psa() renamed to psa.
  • Probability distributions for PSA were renamed, see ?distributions.
  • state_cycle renamed to state_time, added a model_time alias to model_time.
  • The inflow argument for budget impact analysis is specified with define_inflow().
  • prob_to_prob()=>rescale_prob().

New features

  • Transition probabilities from survival models with get_probs_from_surv():
    • Parametrically defined by define_survival().
    • Or fitted on data by the flexsurv package.
  • Support for partitioned survival models with define_part_surv().
  • Plot EVPI.
  • Export PSA files for Sheffield Accelerated Value of Information software.
  • Individuals can enter the model after the beginning with the inflow argument in run_model() (mainly for budget impact analysis).
  • Strategy name can be used to define values with dispatch_strategy() or using the strategy name (vignettes homogeneous and probabilistic have been updated to use this feature).
  • Beta and triangle distributions for PSA.
  • Custom distributions can be defined.
  • Co-variance analysis on strategy differences, more options for gam() fitting.

Other features

  • Convenience function rescale_discount_rate().
  • Better error messages at parameter evaluation.
  • combine_probs(): given several independent probabilities of an event, return the total probability of the event.
  • More informative error messages for incorrect matrices.
  • Infinite parameter values generate an error.
  • New parameters can be added with modify().

Backend changes

  • Cleaner handling of clusters.
  • Package diagram, Hmisc and logitnorm moved from Imports to Suggests.


  • Fixed several bugs that would return incorrect efficiency frontiers in some situations, or would return duplicated strategy names in some edge cases (thanks to Vince Daniels).
  • Fixed a failure of tabular input when a column could be read as all numeric.
  • Character variables from newdata were mistakenly parsed as lazy expressions.
  • newdata now handles factor variables.
  • state_cycle_limit was not passed to PSA, DSA, or updating.
  • PSA and DSA tabular files were not saved.


  • Thanks to Matthew Wiener, especially for the survival analysis code.

heemod 0.7.1


  • Fixed an error resulting in incorrect co-variance analysis results when relations between values and parameters were negative.

heemod 0.7.0

Breaking changes

  • Some plotting arguments changed (e.g. type=>results).

New features

  • Added co-variance analysis for PSA with type = "cov" plot.
  • All plotting functions can now represent multiple strategies with facets.
  • CECA plotted on a log scale by default.
  • Black & white plots for publications with the bw plot option.
  • Remove variables that are not sensitive in DSA with remove_ns.

Backend changes

  • Important object structure change (from attributes to lists).
  • More systematic use of getter functions.
  • More standardized processing of model objects.
  • Unit tests rely less on printed results.
  • Using new nomenclature in back-end functions (model=>strategy).
  • base_strategy divided in 3 concepts: central_strategy, root_strategy, noncomparable_strategy.
  • Non-heemod versions of discount() throw warnings.

heemod 0.6.0

Breaking changes

  • Base model cannot be specified anymore: it is always the least costly model.
  • Renamed argument transition_matrix => transition in define_strategy().

New features

  • Parallel computing with use_cluster().
  • Compute average values from PSA.


  • Acceptability curve returns probabilities at 0.
  • Correctly identify efficiency frontier.
  • ICER are computed on the efficiency frontier.


  • T...
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heemod 0.16.0

19 Jul 08:21
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heemod 0.16.0

  • Remove lazyeval, plyr and pryr dependency
  • For PSM, when OS is lower to PFS, force the transition probability to be 0 (#7 @william-rawlinson)
  • get_who_mr() is working again
  • Mortality rates gathered with get_who_mr(..., local = TRUE) are only available as
    pooled for high income countries.
  • prop, multinom and make_gamma, deprecated since a long time are now unavailable,
    to be replaced with binomial, multinomial and gamma, respectively.
  • markov_cycle is now deprecated in favor of model_time and state_cycle in favor of state_time

heemod 0.15.1

Compliance with r-devel

heemod 0.15.0

  • Performance improvements: using state_time is much faster now, as well as probabilistic sensitivity analyses

heemod 0.14.5

  • Rebuild vignettes
  • fix guides( = FALSE)

heemod 0.14.4

  • updates for compatibility with rlang 1.0.0

heemod 0.14.2

  • checks cairo_pdf availability

heemod 0.14.0

Breaking changes

  • argument "method" for run_model was inverted. Now "beginning" overestimates costs and "end" underestimates costs (#345 @zaddyzad)

heemod 0.13.0

Prepare for dplyr 1.0.0


  • Fix problem with state_time (fix #343 @Reale3)

heemod 0.12.0


  • Ready for tibble 3.0
  • look_up() displays a more informative message when searching several values at once

heemod 0.11.0

Backend changes

  • States are now length 2 lists:

    • .dots: the state values
    • starting_values: the state values when entering the state
  • Compatibility with dplyr 0.8: replaced all underscored (SE) versions of all verbs


  • get_who_mr() is again able to fetch data from GHO server

heemod 0.10.0

New features

  • define_state() gains the starting_values argument (same as define_strategy()).

heemod 0.9.4

  • Compatibility with dplyr v0.8

heemod 0.9.3

Backend changes

  • Remove Hmisc dependency for weighted summaries.

heemod 0.9.2

Breaking changes

  • Survival function renamed: pool()=>mix().

New features

  • Starting values with define_starting_values().
  • Check for comma as a decimal separator in tabular data.
  • Auto-re-indent transition matrices with reindent_transition().
  • Discounting per year with the period argument.
  • BCEA interface with run_bcea().
  • use_distribution() to re-sample from empirical data (e.g. MCMC fit posterior distribution).


  • Better error-checking in multinomial parameters definition.
  • Cleaner define_psa() back-end code, variables can now be used to define distribution parameters.
  • Handle cases when parameters depend on state_time but those parameters are not used by a strategy.
  • Empty calls to modify() are supported.
  • Fix error in survival vignette.

Backend changes

  • The development branch is now called master, the release branch is called cran.
  • Survival operation are wrapped in a common class.
  • Expansion code moved to own function.
  • Faster computation of expanded states.
  • Stricter dependency version management (to avoid install failures on an outdated system).
  • Removed dependency to tidyr.

heemod 0.9.1

Breaking changes

  • Survival function renamed: project()=>join().
  • Removed get_code().

New features

  • NMB is now reported as relative values.


  • Fixed error with run_dsa() in state expansion situations.

Backend changes

  • Multiple changes to prepare for the dplyr update 0.6.0.

heemod 0.9.0

heemod can now be cited with:

Filipovic-Pierucci A, Zarca K and Durand-Zaleski I (2017).
“Markov Models for Health Economic Evaluations: The R
Package heemod.” ArXiv e-prints. R package version
0.8.0, 1702.03252

  • Model calibration with calibrate_model().
  • init and inflow can refer to values from define_parameters(), and are thus accessible to PSA / DSA.
  • inflow can be time-varying.

Breaking changes

  • get_probs_from_surv()=>compute_surv().

New features

  • Operations on survival functions, see vignette("j-survival"). Thanks to Jordan Amdahl.
  • Model calibration with calibrate_model(). Thanks to Matthew Wiener.
  • State membership correction works for partitioned survival model.
  • Custom state membership correction functions can be passed to the method argument of run_model().
  • get_who__mr() can take a region argument, and automatically pool results when sex is not passed.
  • Additional DSA plotting options.


  • heemod::discount() now produces results similar to discount().

Backend changes

  • Renamed memoised functions.
  • NSE aliases (*_) to survival operation functions.

heemod 0.8.0

Breaking changes

  • strategy becomes a reserved parameter name.
  • Counting method "half-cycle" is deprecated.
  • resample argument in run_psa() renamed to psa.
  • Probability distributions for PSA were renamed, see ?distributions.
  • state_cycle renamed to state_time, added a model_time alias to model_time.
  • The inflow argument for budget impact analysis is specified with define_inflow().
  • prob_to_prob()=>rescale_prob().

New features

  • Transition probabilities from survival models with get_probs_from_surv():
    • Parametrically defined by define_survival().
    • Or fitted on data by the flexsurv package.
  • Support for partitioned survival models with define_part_surv().
  • Plot EVPI.
  • Export PSA files for Sheffield Accelerated Value of Information software.
  • Individuals can enter the model after the beginning with the inflow argument in run_model() (mainly for budget impact analysis).
  • Strategy name can be used to define values with dispatch_strategy() or using the strategy name (vignettes homogeneous and probabilistic have been updated to use this feature).
  • Beta and triangle distributions for PSA.
  • Custom distributions can be defined.
  • Co-variance analysis on strategy differences, more options for gam() fitting.

Other features

  • Convenience function rescale_discount_rate().
  • Better error messages at parameter evaluation.
  • combine_probs(): given several independent probabilities of an event, return the total probability of the event.
  • More informative error messages for incorrect matrices.
  • Infinite parameter values generate an error.
  • New parameters can be added with modify().

Backend changes

  • Cleaner handling of clusters.
  • Package diagram, Hmisc and logitnorm moved from Imports to Suggests.


  • Fixed several bugs that would return incorrect efficiency frontiers in some situations, or would return duplicated strategy names in some edge cases (thanks to Vince Daniels).
  • Fixed a failure of tabular input when a column could be read as all numeric.
  • Character variables from newdata were mistakenly parsed as lazy expressions.
  • newdata now handles factor variables.
  • state_cycle_limit was not passed to PSA, DSA, or updating.
  • PSA and DSA tabular files were not saved.


  • Thanks to Matthew Wiener, especially for the survival analysis code.

heemod 0.7.1


  • Fixed an error resulting in incorrect co-variance analysis results when relations between values and parameters were negative.

heemod 0.7.0

Breaking changes

  • Some plotting arguments changed (e.g. type=>results).

New features

  • Added co-variance analysis for PSA with type = "cov" plot.
  • All plotting functions can now represent multiple strategies with facets.
  • CECA plotted on a log scale by default.
  • Black & white plots for publications with the bw plot option.
  • Remove variables that are not sensitive in DSA with remove_ns.

Backend changes

  • Important object structure change (from attributes to lists).
  • More systematic use of getter functions.
  • More standardized processing of model objects.
  • Unit tests rely less on printed results.
  • Using new nomenclature in back-end functions (model=>strategy).
  • base_strategy divided in 3 concepts: central_strategy, root_strategy, noncomparable_strategy.
  • Non-heemod versions of discount() throw warnings.

heemod 0.6.0

Breaking changes

  • Base model cannot be specified anymore: it is always the least costly model.
  • Renamed argument transition_matrix => transition in define_strategy().

New features

  • Parallel computing with use_cluster().
  • Compute average values from PSA.


  • Acceptability curve returns probabilities at 0.
  • Correctly identify efficiency frontier.
  • ICER are computed on the efficiency frontier.


heemod 0.5.1


  • Added formatR to suggest list.

heemod 0.5.0

Breaking changes

  • Some functions were renamed for clarification:
    • define_model() => define_strategy()
    • run_models() => run_model()
    • define_matrix() => define_transition()
    • define_sensitivity() => define_dsa()
    • define_distrib() => define_psa()
    • run_sensitivity() => run_dsa()
    • run_probabilistic() => run_psa()

New features

  • Values and probabilities can depend on state time with state_cycle, allowing to reproduce the results of micro-simulations.
  • define_sensitivity() now accepts any expression as input, and can call references to model parameters.
  • Discount rates c...
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