Go ActiveInteractation is based on activeinteraction and aims to bring the power of the Ruby gem to the Go space.
- Installation
- Basic usage
- Advanced usage
- Callbacks
- Composition
- Defaults - Not implemented yet
- Errors
- Credits
Run the following Go command to install the gin package:
go get github.com/apotema/go-active_interaction
First you need to import Go Active Interaction package for using Go Active Interaction, one simplest example likes the follow example.go:
package main
import (
. "github.com/apotema/go-active_interaction/active_interaction"
type DoubleA struct {
A int
func (d DoubleA) Run() int {
return d.A * 2
func main() {
value, _ := Execute[int](&DoubleA{A: 2})
fmt.Println("Interaction result: ", value)
For each the output would be:
Interaction result: 4
Just like in Ruby`s Active Interaction gem, you can add validations to your Interaction Arguments. Go Active Interaction uses some of the Package validator validations A simple example of adding validation to your Interaction is as the following:
package main
import (
. "github.com/apotema/go-active_interaction/active_interaction"
type DoubleAIfBiggerThan10 struct {
A int `validate:"gte=10"`
func (d DoubleAIfBiggerThan10) Run() int {
return d.A * 2
func main() {
value, error := Execute[int](&DoubleAIfBiggerThan10{A: 2})
if error.HasError() {
fmt.Println("Interaction error: ", error)
} else {
fmt.Println("Interaction result: ", value)
For each the output would be:
description: Field validation for 'A' failed on the 'gte' tag
Interaction error: "A": ["Field validation for 'A' failed on the 'gte' tag"]
Using the same code snippet, if we fulfill the validations passing A = 11:
func main() {
value, error := Execute[int](&DoubleAIfBiggerThan10{A: 11})
if error.HasError() {
fmt.Println("Interaction error: ", error)
} else {
fmt.Println("Interaction result: ", value)
The return won't display an error:
Interaction result: 22
ActiveInteraction is brought to you by Alexandre Mondaini Calvão. Special thanks to Aaron Lasseigne for creating the ActiveInteraction gem and for Dean Karn for creating the Package validator lib.
If you want to contribute to ActiveInteraction, please read our contribution guidelines. A complete list of contributors is available on GitHub.
ActiveInteraction is licensed under the MIT License.