Free Dashboards crafted by the App-Generator platform with basic modules, database, ORM, modular codebase, and deployment scripts on top of modern UI Kits. For newcomers, a dashboard is a set of pages that are easy to read and offer information to the user in real-time regarding his business.
NOTE: Generate your starter on top of Flask and Django and customize:
DB Tables
,Async Tasks
,CI/Cd Scripts
- π Django App Generator - free service
- π Flask App Generator - free service
Open-source Django project crafted on top of Datta Able Dashboard, an open-source Bootstrap
The product is designed to deliver the best possible user experience with highly customizable feature-rich pages.
- π Django Datta Able -
Product Page
- π Django Datta Able -
- Simple, Easy-to-Extend Codebase
- Datta Able Design - Full Integration
- Dynamic Tables
- Dynamic API
- CLI for Coding Tasks
- Bootstrap 5 Styling
- Session-based Authentication, Password recovery
- DB Persistence: SQLite (default), can be used with MySql, PgSql
- Docker, CI/CD for Render
- Vite for assets management
Open-source Django project crafted on top of Material Dashboard, an open-source iconic Bootstrap
design. The product is designed to deliver the best possible user experience with highly customizable feature-rich pages.
- π Django Material Dashboard -
Product Page
- π Django Material Dashboard -
- Simple, Easy-to-Extend Codebase
- Material Dashboard Design - Full Integration
- Bootstrap 5 Styling
- Session-based Authentication, Password recovery
- DB Persistence: SQLite (default), can be used with MySql, PgSql
- Docker
- CI/CD integration for Render
Open-source Django project crafted on top of Soft UI Dashboard, an open-source iconic Bootstrap
5 design from Creative-Tim.
The product is designed to deliver the best possible user experience with highly customizable feature-rich pages.
- π Django Soft UI Dashboard -
Product Page
- π Django Soft UI Dashboard -
- Simple, Easy-to-Extend Codebase
- Soft UI Dashboard Design - Full Integration
- Bootstrap 5 Styling
- Session-based Authentication, Password recovery
- DB Persistence: SQLite (default), can be used with MySql, PgSql
- Docker
- CI/CD integration for Render
Open-source Django project crafted on top of Berry Dashboard Dashboard, an open-source Bootstrap
The product is designed to deliver the best possible user experience with highly customizable feature-rich pages.
- π Django Berry Dashboard -
Product Page
- π Django Berry Dashboard -
- Simple, Easy-to-Extend Codebase
- Black Dashboard Design - Full Integration
- Bootstrap Styling
- Session-based Authentication, Password recovery
- DB Persistence: SQLite (default), can be used with MySql, PgSql
- Docker
- CI/CD integration for Render
Open-source Django Starter with AdminLTE Design, an open-source iconic Bootstrap
design. The product is designed to deliver the best possible user experience with highly customizable feature-rich pages.
- π Django AdminLTE -
Product Page
- π Django AdminLTE -
- Simple, Easy-to-Extend Codebase
- AdminLTE Design - Full Integration
- Bootstrap 5 Styling
- Session-based Authentication, Password recovery
- DB Persistence: SQLite (default), can be used with MySql, PgSql
- Docker
- CI/CD integration for Render
Open-source Django Template styled with Tailwind CSS and Flowbite.The product is designed to deliver the best possible developer experience with highly customizable feature-rich pages.
A common set of features is provided out-of-the-box: API, DataTables, Charts, Extended User Model, and Docker Support under a permissive MIT License (unrestricted usage in hobby or commercial projects).
- π Django Rocket -
Product Page
- π Django Rocket -
- Styling: Tailwind CSS/Flowbite
- Extended User Model
- Charts via ApexJS
- DataTables
- Can be used with SQLite, MySql, PostgreSQL, MsSql
- Docker
- CI/CD Integration with Render
Dynamic Programming Patterns applied in Python/Django
- actively supported by AppSeed
LIVE DEMOs & official documentation
- Dynamic DataTables:
- Dynamic Charts:
- [OK] Dynamic DataTables
- [OK] Dynamic Charts
- [OK] Dynamic API via DRF
- [OK] Powerful
NOTE: Requires a purchase, secured by GUMROAD.
# Clone Repo
$ git clone
Create VENV
$ virtualenv env
$ source env/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Set Up Database
$ python makemigrations
$ python migrate
Start the Project
$ python createsuperuser # create the admin
$ python runserver # start the project
$ python
>>> from cli import *
>>> add_model('home', 'Stats')
>>> # Syntax: model_add_field('APP_NAME_HERE', 'MODEL_NAME_HERE', 'FIELD_NAME', 'FIELD_TYPE')
>>> add_model_field('home', 'Stats', 'aInt', 'int')
>>> add_model_field('home', 'Stats', 'aChar', 'str')
>>> add_model_field('home', 'Stats', 'aText', 'text')
The file is automatically reformated using black
and DB migrated.
$ python dbbackup -o 20240930-001.dump # backup
$ python reset_db # RESET_DB [ Danger, all tables wipped ]
$ python dbrestore -i 20240930-001.dump # restore
Admin Dashboards - A curated list of projects crafted by App Generator Service.