Ravioli (infoskjerm) is a digital information display for Online. Located on A4, it provides information to students in real-time.
You can view the live Infoskjerm here.
We welcome contributions from everyone. Please note that all contributions require approval from a member of Appkom, before going live.
From root, navigate into frontend-folder:
cd frontend
Install the dependencies:
npm install
# or
yarn install
Fill in the environment template and fill in the required variables:
cp .env.template .env
- VITE_NODE_ENV: The environment you are running the project in. Should be set to "development".
- VITE_BACKEND_API_KEY: The API key which grants you access to the backend REST API. Contact a member of Appkom at [email protected] to obtain a key.
- VITE_VIDEO_API_KEY: Key to the YouTube API V3. Retrieve your key here: Google Cloud Console.
- VITE_BACKEND_URL: Url to the backend.
is the running backend in prod.
Start the development server:
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
From root, navigate into backend-folder:
cd backend
Install the dependencies:
npm install
# or
yarn install
Fill in the environment template and fill in the required variables:
cp .env.template .env
- SLACK_TOKEN: The token retrieved from slack
- API_KEY: String that will be the key to the REST API
Start the development server:
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev