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Appcove Developer Software

This custom Debian PPA is used by AppCove to build and share all the in-house built power tools


Install needed programs

sudo apt install -y curl gpg

Download of the key and source.list

curl -sLO
sudo dpkg -i ads-release_1.0.1custom22.04_amd64.deb
sudo apt update

Log out and log back in for systemwide changes to be applied, then try to install one of our tools: sudo apt install git-excess

Install everything:

sudo apt install ads-everything

List of available Packages after installation

sudo apt list "ads-*"

Should output

  • ads-release - This package installs the needed files for the PPA to work correctly
  • ads-git-excess
  • ads-pastel
  • ads-fd
  • ads-bat
  • ads-procs - Replacement for ps written in Rust.
  • ads-grex - An intuitive regex generator meant to create expression based on user's input.
  • ads-broot - Navigate directories and list content in a tree, with a lot of additional features.
  • ads-exa - Modern replacement for the venerable file-listing command-line program ls.
  • ads-sd - An intuitive find & replace CLI.
  • ads-dust - Dust is a more intuitive version of du, used for displaying disk usage statistics.
  • ads-ripgrep - ripgrep is a line-oriented search tool that recursively searches the current directory for a regex pattern.
  • ads-bottom - A customizable cross-platform graphical process/system monitor for the terminal.
  • ads-jaq - A jq clone focussed on correctness, speed, and simplicity
  • ads-et - A modern, vibrant, and multi-threaded file-tree visualizer and disk usage analyzer
  • ads-delta - Modern CLI git diff analizer (requires manual setup LOOK BELOW)






bat src/*.rs # show multiple files at once
bat >
bat -n  # show line numbers (only)
procs # list all processes
procs <executable>  # `procs chrome` list all processes of application
procs --tree

Other examples of procs


broot examples

  • Simpler syntax for replacing all occurrences:
    • sd: sd before after
    • sed: sed s/before/after/g
  • Replace newlines with commas:
    • sd: sd '\n' ','
    • sed: sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/,/g'
  • Extracting stuff out of strings containing slashes:
    • sd: echo "sample with /path/" | sd '.*(/.*/)' '$1'
    • sed: use different delimiters every time depending on expression so that the command is not completely unreadable
      • echo "sample with /path/" | sed -E 's/.*(\\/.*\\/)/\1/g'
      • echo "sample with /path/" | sed -E 's|.*(/.*/)|\1|g'
  • In place modification of files:
    • sd: sd before after file.txt
    • sd:: you need to remember to use -e or else some platforms will consider the next argument to be a backup suffix
      • sed -i -e 's/before/after/g' file.txt

dust example

Usage: dust
Usage: dust <dir>
Usage: dust <dir>  <another_dir> <and_more>
Usage: dust -p (full-path - Show fullpath of the subdirectories)
Usage: dust -s (apparent-size - shows the length of the file as opposed to the amount of disk space it uses)
Usage: dust -n 30  (Shows 30 directories instead of the default [default is terminal height])
Usage: dust -d 3  (Shows 3 levels of subdirectories)
Usage: dust -D (Show only directories (eg dust -D))
Usage: dust -r (reverse order of output)
Usage: dust -H (si print sizes in powers of 1000 instead of 1024)
Usage: dust -X ignore  (ignore all files and directories with the name 'ignore')
Usage: dust -x (Only show directories on the same filesystem)
Usage: dust -b (Do not show percentages or draw ASCII bars)
Usage: dust -i (Do not show hidden files)
Usage: dust -c (No colors [monochrome])
Usage: dust -f (Count files instead of diskspace)
Usage: dust -t (Group by filetype)
Usage: dust -z 10M (min-size, Only include files larger than 10M)
Usage: dust -e regex (Only include files matching this regex (eg dust -e "\.png$" would match png files))
Usage: dust -v regex (Exclude files matching this regex (eg dust -v "\.png$" would ignore png files))
delta Install it and then add this to your `~/.gitconfig`:
    pager = delta

    diffFilter = delta --color-only

    navigate = true    # use n and N to move between diff sections
    light = false      # set to true if you're in a terminal w/ a light background color (e.g. the default macOS terminal)

    conflictstyle = diff3

    colorMoved = default


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