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SpeedPyCom Starter Template


This is the starter template for SpeedPyCom and you can edit any file you want.

To update the SpeedPyCom you need to update the requirements.txt file to have the most recent speedpycom package.

Get the template and start work

For local development you should have Docker instance running locally. Read more about docker-compose.yml down the document.

curl -sSL >

mv speedpycom-start-main myproject
cd myproject
cp start.env .env

Apply migrations with:

docker-compose run web python migrate

Create a superuser account:

docker-compose run web python makesuperuser

The output of the last command will display the login and password for the admin user that was created, like this:

admin user not found, creating one
A superuser was created with email [email protected] and password xLV9i9D7p8bm

Install tailwind dependencies and build it:

docker-compose run web python tailwind install
docker-compose run web python tailwind build

Run the project with:

docker-compose up

Open and login with these credentials.

Docker-Compose.yml for local development

This template implies using Docker for local development.

If you don't have Docker installed go to and follow installation instructions for your OS.

docker-compose.yml file has a number of services defined to run the project.

To reduce the initial resource usage on your machine only few of them are uncommented and will be used:

  • redis
  • db
  • web

If you need Celery - uncomment all lines for the celery service.

Same way, if you need Celery Scheduler – uncomment celery-beat service.

Flower (celery monitoring) is also included, uncomment flower service in order to have it running.

For the purpose of using less resource of your machine Redis is used for Celery broker by default. You can easily switch to using RabbitMQ by uncommenting rabbitmq service and rabbitmq in all services' links and depends_on sections. Then in .env change the broker setting to this: CELERY_BROKER_URL=amqp://speedpycom:speedpycom@rabbitmq/speedpycom and docker-compose restart so the new settings are applied.


Docker file includes both Python and Node so you can have JS compilers, minifiers and use django-tailwind that is included into this template.


In order to deploy the project on we have included the Procfile with commands needed to run your project.

User model

Project template comes with a custom user model in the app usermodel.


Run docker-compose run web python tailwind install to install node dependencies to run tailwind.