This repository contains an example of using Google as Identity Provider for authentication. For this example, we used NodeJS as the backend and VueJS as the frontend. The backend is available in demo/api
and frontend in demo/ui
npm install reveal-md -g
npm install gulp-cli -g
npm install
Build content into output directory dist
gulp build
Start presentation with reveal-md
gulp present
If you get an error
Error: listen EADDRINUSE :::35729
, make sure that you are not running any other instance of reveal-md usingps aux | grep reveal-md
Install http-server
npm i -g http-server
Start API server
cd demo/api
npm install
npm start
This should listen on
Start UI
cd demo/ui
This should listen on http://localhost:8080
. In case of different host/port, the appropriate origin has to be updated in Google oauth2 credentials settings.
Google client credential identifier is hardcoded in demo/ui/index.html
. The following code needs to be changed:
<meta name="google-signin-client_id" content="">