ROS noetic and Python 3 are assumed to be available. vcs will be installed when needed.
Replace uc?
with one of the use case numbers, see Launch Parameters below.
roslaunch april_krem krem.launch use_case:=uc? temporal_actions:=false enable_monitor:=false goal:="" non_robot_actions_timeout:=20.0 robot_actions_timeout:=120.0
- use_case: specify the use case, possible values (uc1, uc2, uc3, uc5, uc5_2, uc5_3, uc5_4, uc4, uc6)
- enable_monitor: enables monitoring of pre- and postconditions of actions before and after executing them
- goal: empty string to run whole use case scenario
- non_robot_actions_timeout: timeout for actions that do not use the robotic arm e.g. perceive, conveyor actions, etc. Default is 20 seconds.
- robot_actions_timeout: timeout for actions that to use the robotic arm e.g. pick, place, etc. Default is 120 seconds.
Logs are created and put into a log file, published on a ros topic and put into the console output of KREM.
- Log file location:
- Rostopic:
/krem/logs std_msgs/String
The following metrics are logged:
- Planning time in seconds
- Number of replans due to errors
- Number of human intervention actions
- Execution time of performed actions in seconds
- Execution time of each cycle in seconds
- Number of cycles done
- Overall execution time of all cycles in seconds