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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jul 3, 2019. It is now read-only.


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Build Status

Aptible's public web site is built with Middleman.

Running Locally

Clone the repo:

git clone

Install necessary dependencies:

bundle install
cd aptiblejs
npm install

(Optionally) pull dynamic Resource and Blog content from Contentful:

bundle exec rake contentful:pull

Start the server. You can access it at http://localhost:4567/

bundle exec middleman server
cd aptiblejs
npm run dev

If you are running Aptible's documentation site locally, set the BASE_DOC_URL environment variable:

BASE_DOC_URL=http://localhost:8888 bundle exec middleman server

Deploying Code Changes

First, some prerequisites:

  • AWS CLI, installed locally
  • A valid AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY in your environment

In production and staging, the site is deployed as an S3 website (fronted by CloudFront).

To manually deploy to production, using Omnivault:

omnivault exec bundle exec rake deploy:production


omnivault exec bundle exec rake deploy:staging

An arbitrary S3 bucket:

omnivault exec bundle exec rake deploy[bucket]

Deploying Content Changes

To deploy content-only changes, make sure your changes are set to published in Contentful and then deploy manually from Travis:

Continuous Deployment

Travis CI deploys to both staging and production on every successful merge to master. This requires the encrypted AWS credentials for an authorized user to be stored in the .travis.yml configuration file.

To update these credentials at any time, run:

travis encrypt -r aptible/www --add env AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=... AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=...


If you run into an issue that needs documentation, feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue. We send t-shirts and swag to contributors.


Copyright (c) 2019 Aptible. All rights reserved.