Aiquest also known as RAG-AIQuest is an npm package that streamlines the process of parsing websites, splitting content into manageable chunks, embedding these chunks into machine-friendly vectors, and subsequently storing and retrieving these embeddings from AWS. This documentation outlines its design and possibilities.
- 🔧 Design
- 🔍 Installation
- 🛠️ Usage
- 🕸️ Parsing
- ✂️ Chunking
- 🧬 Embedding
- ☁️ Storing on AWS
- 🔎 Retrieval
- 📝 Examples
- 🌟 Future Enhancements
- 🤝 Contribution
- 🐛 Bug Reporting
UnifiedParser: For parsing content from URLs,PDF or Text File.
ChunkUtility: To split the parsed content into chunks.
EmbeddingUtility: Utilizes the OpenAI API to embed the chunks into vectors.
VectorStoreAWS: A utility for AWS operations related to embedding storage.
Retrival: Provides functionality to retrieve knowledge and run QnA.
npm install rag-aiquest
Use the UnifiedParser to parse content from a URL.
const parser = new UnifiedParser();
const parsedValue = await parser.parse('YOUR_URL_HERE');
To split the parsed content into chunks:
const chunks = ChunkUtility.splitIntoChunks(parsedValue, chunkSize, overlapSize);
Embed chunks using OpenAI API.
const embedding = new EmbeddingUtility('YOUR_OPENAI_API_KEY');
const embedded = await embedding.createEmbedding(chunks);
To upload the embedded model to AWS:
await aws.uploadEmbededModeltoAWS(embedded, 'YOUR_FILE_NAME');
To retrieve and query the knowledge:
const knowledge = await aws.getKnowledgeData('YOUR_FILE_NAME');
const retrive = new Retrival('YOUR_OPENAI_API_KEY');
const search = await retrive.QnARetrival(knowledge, 'YOUR_QUERY');
As given in the provided code, you can easily integrate the utilities to parse, chunk, embed, store, and retrieve knowledge.
Compression: Improve storage efficiency by compressing embedded vectors.
Batch Processing: Enhance the library to handle batch processing of URLs.
Support for More Embeddings: Plan to add support for other embedding APIs.
If you wish to contribute to rag-aiquest, please refer to the file.
Feel free to open an issue on GitHub if you find any bug.
- Feel free to Open an issue on GitHub to request any additional features you might need for your use case.
- Connect with me on LinkedIn. I'd love ❤️️ to hear where you are using this library.
Check here for release notes.
- Active OpenAI API Key