A Phoenix LiveComponent for phone number input fields, inspired by intl-tel-input
Based on ISO
and ex_phone_number
, which in turn is based on libphonenumber.
If available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding live_phone
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:live_phone, "~> 0.7"}
Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/live_phone.
To your assets/package.json
file add:
"live_phone": "file:../deps/live_phone",
To your app.js
add something like:
import LivePhone from "live_phone"
let Hooks = {}
Hooks.LivePhone = LivePhone
And finally to your CSS add:
@import "../../deps/live_phone/assets/live_phone";
Usage is pretty simple, and there is an example Phoenix project included in the ./example
directory of this repository.
preferred={["US", "CA"]} />
This will result in a form field with the name user[phone]
. You can specify just the name
manually if desired, but when you add the form
option the name will be generated via Phoenix.HTML.Form.input_name/2
. So this should behave like a regular input field.
With preferred
you can set a list of countries that you believe should be on top always. The currently selected country will also be on top automatically.
In the example/
directory you will find a minimal Phoenix application to demonstrate LivePhone
in usage.
To run the browser tests you need to install chromedriver
(brew install chromedriver
on MacOS) and it has to be running already. The tests are excluded by default, but you can include them with --include browser
. See below:
An "invalid session id" error can usually be fixed by upgrading chromedriver.
$ chromedriver --verbose --url-base=/wd/hub # hound assumes default port 9515)
$ mix test --include browser