This plugin allows you to set global config varaiables.
Included is a Portlet to manage the config parameters and viewtool to get the values from the config.
The values are stored in your assets directory under aquentglobalconfig.json and are read read into a cache as they are used.
- Navigate to the dotCMS Dynamic plugins page: "System" > "Dynamic Plugins"
- Click on "Upload plugin" and select the .jar file located in the "build/libs/" folder
- Navigate to "System" > "Roles and Tabs" and add the portlet to a tab that your admin users have access to.
The internal storage of the data uses org.json.JSONobject.
In Java Code:
// Get a Util Instance
GlobalConfigUtil gcu = GlobalConfigUtil.getInstance();
// Get a value of a property from a key
String key = "test";
String value = gcu.getValue(key);
// Do something with Value
// Get all the data in json format (org.json.JSONObject)
JSONObject data = gcu.getData();
for(String k : data.getNames(data)) {
String v = data.getString(k);
// Do something with the value v
// Update a property
boolean update_status = gcu.updateProperty("original_key", "new_key", "new_value");
// Delete a property
boolean delete_status = gcu.deleteProperty("key");
In Velocity Code:
## Get a value from the config:
#set($key = "test")
#set($value = $gconfig.getProperty($key))
## Do Something with $value
## Get all the data in json format (org.json.JSONObject)
#set($data = $gconfig.getData())
#set($keys = $data.getNames($data))
#foreach($k in $keys)
#set($v = $data.getString($key))
## Do something with $v
- Install Gradle (if not already installed)
- gradle jar