falcon-metatrust Public
Forked from MetaTrustLabs/falcon-metatrustMetatrust fork of Slither Analyzer
SecBox Public
Forked from SaltySpatula/SecBoxSecBox tool; a lightweight, container based malware analysis sandbox
contracts Public
Forked from myway7/contracts😻 Minswap open-source and verifiable smart contracts
Damn_Vulnerable_C_Program Public
Forked from hardik05/Damn_Vulnerable_C_Programa c program containing vulnerable code for common types of vulnerabilities, can be used to show fuzzing concepts.
ShellCodeEmulator Public
Forked from ohjeongwook/ShellCodeEmulatorShellcode emulator written with Unicorn
aah Public
Forked from zydeco/aaharm64 architecture handler
uniFuzzer Public
Forked from PAGalaxyLab/uniFuzzerA fuzzing tool for closed-source binaries based on Unicorn and LibFuzzer
libcpuidoverride Public
Forked from ddcc/libcpuidoverride -
taintinduce Public
Forked from melynx/taintinduceTaintInduce is a project which aims to automate the creation of taint propagation rules for unknown instruction sets.
patchkit Public
Forked from lunixbochs/patchkitpowerful binary patching from Python
cs_driver Public
Forked from tandasat/cs_driverA sample project for using Capstone from a driver in Visual Studio 2015
unidos Public
MSDOS emulator built on top of Unicorn engine
KernelProject Public
Forked from zer0mem/KernelProjectSample project on how to embed Capstone into Windows kernel driver
CapstoneTest Public
Forked from enzolovesbacon/CapstoneTestEmbed Capstone into OSX kernel - Sample on how to disassemble from OSX kernel