It is finetuned to add courses in your Columbia SSOL/Vergil wishlist as events to Google Calendar. 🤤
You Don't need to be registered in any courses. You just need an OpenAI API Key.
Use this extension to load up some classes you wished you could attend. 🤫
To install the extension:
- Press the green "<> Code" button on top of this Repo, select "Download Zip"
- Download the ZIP file and Extract (unzip) it to a folder.
- In Chrome, navigate to chrome://extensions and enable developer mode.
- Click "Load unpacked" and select the unzipped folder.
Click the extension in the browser to open the quick action popup:
Click the settings button
Select the GPT 4o model and enter your corresponding API key (You need to have OpenAI API access)
You will be prompted to do so anyway if you didn't perform above steps.
- Go to your SSOL Registration page.
- Import all classes from your Vergil wishlist if needed. (Or you can also just go to vergil planner instead of SSOL).
- Select the row of your class (before the start and date column) and right click on it.
- Select "Create Google Calendar Event" from dropdown.
- Your Google calendar will open with all the details filled.
- Just check whether you want it to repeat every week (by default yes, on the days of the classes).
- Press Save. Done!
- Select ANY text that has the name of an event and it's time and date / weekday.
- Right click, select "Create Google Calendar Event"
- Voila! It is now converted to an actual GCal event.