🆕 Feature
- cascader: Add virtual list support (#2577)
- tree-select: Add header and footer visibility in empty data state (#2573)
- input-number: add slots for input-number box value manipulation icons (#2560)
- list: Scroll maxHeight supports string type (#2544)
🐛 BugFix
- table: Fix the wrong parameter of rowClass function record (#2570)
- tree-select: Fix the problem that the border attribute is invalid (#2568)
💅 Style
- result: Fix 500 image misalignment issues (#2578)
🆕 新增功能
- cascader: 增加虚拟列表功能 (#2577)
- tree-select: 增加空状态下 header 和 footer 的显示状态 (#2573)
- input-number: 增加数值操作自定义图标插槽 (#2560)
- list: 滚动最大高度支持字符串类型 (#2544)
🐛 问题修复
💅 样式更新
- result: 修复 500 图片错位问题 (#2578)