ℹ️ This library is now deprecated in favour of our upcoming improved REST API. The API will be well-documented with accompanying OpenAPI specs. We encourage direct use of the REST API. Client-code can alternatively be generated from the OpenAPI specs.
Small Java wrapper for the Ardoq REST-api.
Add ardoq-java-client
to your dependencies.
//Basic auth
ArdoqClient client = new ArdoqClient("hostname", "username", "password");
//Token (recommended)
ArdoqClient client = new ArdoqClient("hostname", "mytoken");
//Custom proxy settings
RequestConfig config = RequestConfig.custom().setProxy(new HttpHost("", 9090)).build();
ArdoqClient client = new ArdoqClient("hostname", "mytoken", config);
The client will operate on the default organization (Personal). To change this
ArdoqClient client = new ArdoqClient("hostname", "username", "password").setOrganization("my-organization");
ArdoqClient client = new ArdoqClient(host, ardoqToken);
Model template = client.model().getTemplateByName("Application service");
Workspace workspace = client.workspace().createWorkspace(new Workspace("demo-workspace", template.getId(), "Description"));
Model model = client.model().getModelById(workspace.getComponentModel());
ComponentService componentService = client.component();
Component webshop = componentService.createComponent(new Component("Webshop", workspace.getId(), "Webshop description"));
Component webShopCreateOrder = componentService.createComponent(new Component("createOrder", workspace.getId(), "Order from cart", model.getComponentTypeByName("Service"), webshop.getId()));
Component erp = componentService.createComponent(new Component("ERP", workspace.getId(), ""));
Component erpCreateOrder = componentService.createComponent(new Component("createOrder", workspace.getId(), "", model.getComponentTypeByName("Service"), erp.getId()));
//Create a Synchronous integration between the Webshop:createOrder and ERP:createOrder services
Reference createOrderRef = new Reference(workspace.getId(), "Order from cart", webShopCreateOrder.getId(), erpCreateOrder.getId(), model.getReferenceTypeByName("Synchronous"));
createOrderRef.setReturnValue("Created order");
Reference reference = client.reference().createReference(createOrderRef);
List<String> componentIds = Arrays.asList(webShopCreateOrder.getId(), erpCreateOrder.getId());
List<String> referenceIds = Arrays.asList(reference.getId());
client.tag().createTag(new Tag("Customer", workspace.getId(), "", componentIds, referenceIds));
Running this simple example let's Ardoq visualize the components and their relationships.
The model API is not stable yet, so you have to create your Model in the UI and refer to the id.
The api is pretty straight forward. For more examples, please refer to the tests.
Copyright © 2017 Ardoq AS
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.
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