Small Java wrapper for the Ardoq REST-api.
Add ardoq-java-client
to your dependencies.
//Basic auth
ArdoqClient client = new ArdoqClient("hostname", "username", "password");
ArdoqClient client = new ArdoqClient("hostname", "token");
//Custom proxy settings
RequestConfig config = RequestConfig.custom().setProxy(new HttpHost("", 9090)).build();
ArdoqClient client = new ArdoqClient("hostname", "token", config);
The client will operate on the default organization (Personal). To change this
ArdoqClient client = new ArdoqClient("hostname", "username", "password").setOrganization("my-organization");
###Starting a small project
ArdoqClient client = new ArdoqClient(host, ardoqUsername, ardoqPassword);
Model model = client.model().getModelByName("Application service");
Workspace workspace = client.workspace().createWorkspace(new Workspace("demo-workspace", model.getId(), "Description"));
ComponentService componentService = client.component();
Component webshop = componentService.createComponent(new Component("Webshop", workspace.getId(), "Webshop description"));
Component webShopCreateOrder = componentService.createComponent(new Component("createOrder", workspace.getId(), "Order from cart", model.getComponentTypeByName("Service"), webshop.getId()));
Component erp = componentService.createComponent(new Component("ERP", workspace.getId(), ""));
Component erpCreateOrder = componentService.createComponent(new Component("createOrder", workspace.getId(), "", model.getComponentTypeByName("Service"), erp.getId()));
//Create a Synchronous integration between the Webshop:createOrder and ERP:createOrder services
Reference createOrderRef = new Reference(workspace.getId(), "Order from cart", webShopCreateOrder.getId(), erpCreateOrder.getId(), model.getReferenceTypeByName("Synchronous"));
createOrderRef.setReturnValue("Created order");
Reference reference = client.reference().createReference(createOrderRef);
List<String> componentIds = Arrays.asList(webShopCreateOrder.getId(), erpCreateOrder.getId());
List<String> referenceIds = Arrays.asList(reference.getId());
client.tag().createTag(new Tag("Customer", workspace.getId(), "", componentIds, referenceIds));
Running this simple example let's Ardoq visualize the components and their relationships.
######Component landscape
######Sequence diagram
######Relationship diagram
The model API is not stable yet, so you have to create your Model in the UI and refer to the id.
####More examples
The api is pretty straight forward. For more examples, please refer to the tests.
Copyright © 2015 Ardoq AS
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.