Login to you AWS account and change your Region to Sinagpore
Go to https://console.aws.amazon.com/iam/home#/roles and create a role
- Click on Create role button
- Select Lambda and then click on Next: Permissions button
- Type AmazonS3FullAccess in search box you will see 1 item that is AmazonS3FullAccess, click on checkbox
- Again type CloudWatchLogsFullAccess on same search box and you will see 1 item that is CloudWatchLogsFullAccess, click on checkbox and then click on Next: Review button
- Type image-resize-lambda-role in Role name box or you may choose whatever you like name. This will be used while creating Lambda function
Create S3 bucket where we will save images, Go to https://s3.console.aws.amazon.com/s3/home
- Click on Create bucket button
- Type bucket name image-resizing or whatever you like
- Choose Region Asia Pacific(Singapore) or whatever you like but if you choose another then you must choose that region for all services bellow
- Click on Create button
Create Lambda function, Go to https://ap-southeast-1.console.aws.amazon.com/lambda/home?region=ap-southeast-1#/functions 5. Click on Create function 6. Type Name image-resizing or whatever you like and then select Runtime Node.js 6.10 and then select Choose an existing role in Role and then select role created in step 1 that is image-resize-lambda-role and then click on Create function button. 7. Select Upload a .zip file in Code entry type(inside Function code) and then select Archive.zip file send by me and then scroll down up to Environment variables and enter BUCKET_NAME in key and image-resizing (bucket name created in 2nd step) in value and then scroll down up to Basic settings, and then choose Memory(MB) 1536 MB by scrolling right and then make Timeout 0 min, 30 sec(default is 0 min, 3 sec) and then again scroll up to top of the page and then click on save button( may take some time because zip file is around 25 mb)
Create API Gateway proxy, Go to https://ap-southeast-1.console.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/home?region=ap-southeast-1#/apis/create
- Select New API option and then api name image-resize or whatever you like and then select Edge Optimise in Endpoint Type and then click on Create API button
- Select Create Resource in Actions dropdown and then put Resource Name app and then Resource Path {app} and then click on Create Resource button
- Click on /{app} and then Select Create Resource in Actions dropdown and then put Resource Name image and then Resource Path {image} and then click on Create Resource button
- Click on /{image} and then Select Create Method in Actions dropdown and then select GET option bellow /{image} and save by clicking on icon
- Now select Lambda Function in Integration type and mark checked on Use Lambda Proxy integration and select ap-southeast-1 in Lambda Region(assuming that you have created Lambda function in Singapore region) and and then select Lambda function name created in step 4 that image-resizing and then click on Save button and then Ok in popup
- Click on GET(bellow /{image} and then Select Deploy API in Actions dropdown and then select [New Stage] in Deployment stage and live in Stage name and then click on Deploy button, you will see invoke url, copy that url( Url may something like https://ec4djaejm8.execute-api.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/live )
Create a folder app1 in S3 bucket created in step 2 that is image-resizing and then upload a pic in that folder(lets say name is abc.png) and give permission as public now you can access
https://ec4djaejm8.execute-api.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/live/app1/abc.png https://ec4djaejm8.execute-api.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/live/app1/abc.m.png https://ec4djaejm8.execute-api.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/live/app1/abc.s.png
where https://ec4djaejm8.execute-api.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/live is api gateway url in last step