Author : Arijit Banerjee
About : Full Stack Web Developer | Cyber Security Enthusiast | Actor
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Email: [email protected]
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: MERN Stack (MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, NodeJS)
Technologies Used
: NodeJS, ExpressJS, ReactJS, MongoDB, Mongoose, Express-Validator, Crypto, JSONWebToken (JWT), Express-JWT, React Hooks, Global State Management using State Reducer and Context Api, Formidable, Lodash, Bootstrap, BrainTree Payment Gateway etc.
: REST Api, CRUD, User Registration, Log In, Authentication, Authorization, JWT Token, PRIVATE and PUBLIC Routes, Server Side Validation using Express-Validator, Password Encryption using Crypto, Global State Management, User Dashboard, Admin Dashboard, Fully Responsive Web Design using Bootstrap etc.
User Dashboard - Registration, Login, Logout, Cart/Profile/Orders/Address Management, Change User Profile Picture, Manage Multiple Saved Addresses, Manage Orders(history), and general E-commerce buying features etc.
Admin Dashboard - All of User Features, + Create/Read/Update/Delete Category, Create/Read/Update/Delete Products, Orders Management etc.
This is a Self Project, made on MERN Stack. I did this project while going through a BootCamp, and the Rest was done later on my own. I added and improvised the web app with a lot of features and functionalities.
This is a Full Stack E-commerce Web App just like any other popular E-commerce systems. The only difference is, it is based on Individual Stores.
This is just the Version 1.0.0 of this Project. I have future updates planned with a lot more features.
If you have any suggestions, please feel free to leave the suggestions. Constructive Criticism is always appreciated.
NOTE: This is a demo project. There can be a lot of more features and functionalities that could be added with this.
This project is uploaded to display my work. So there will be no setup instructions provided here.