- Home Screen can be used to load or create a new Face Profile. Clicking Show Profile brings up a dialog where FaceID is to be entered.
- On entering FaceID, a GET request is launched and image is displayed in LoadImageActivity.java.
Standard backend URL is:
- Image Show URL
- Profile Show URL
DetectActivity.java is responsible for the following tasks:
- Capturing image using Androidx camera API
- Detecting face and drawing bounding box using Firebase FaceDetect API
- Posting profile JSON and image (encoded in multipart-form-data) to backend
Example of profile JSON
{"person_name":"donna chim","person_id":"donnachim","photo_name":"donnachim","photo_url":"" ,"rectangle_vector":{"x":577.979736328125,"y":349.3026123046875,"width":1052.13232421875,"height":823.4552001953125}}
Multipart POST is done with Android Async-HTTP. With async-http, image upload is done on a worker thread. A progressdialog is displayed during all network operations.