Injects methods named after a set of logLevels which are only forwarding messages. If the current logLevel is higher or equal to the logLevel the name of the called method reflects.
So the model object itself can be used as a logger and the log level is directly attaches to the model
import { LogLevelMixin } from 'loglevel-mixin';
const LoggingEnabledClass = LogLevelMixin(
class BaseClass {
log(level, message) {
console.log(`${level} ${message}`);
const someObject = new LoggingEnabledClass();
someObject.logLevel = 'error';
severity => 'my info message (not reported since logLevel is error)'
someObject.logLevel = 'info';
severity => 'my info message (reported since logLevel is now info)'
With npm do:
npm install loglevel-mixin
Type: Function
Type: Object
default log levels
- trace
- debug
- info
- notice
- warn
- error
- crit
- alert
Generate the loglevel objects out of a list of log level names.
Array<string> A list of log level names. The last name in the list will become the one with the highest priority.
Returns Object levels object a hash with all the loglevels. Stored by there name.
Adds logging methods to an existing object. For each loglevel a method with the name of the log level will be created.
Object target where to assign properties tologLevels
Object Hash with all the available loglevels. Stored by there name (optional, defaultdefaultLogLevels
Logger? to be added under the loglevel name. This function will only be called if the current loglevel is greater equal the log level of the called logging function. By default a method log(level,message) will be used
defineLoggerMethods( obj)'info entry'); // will redirect to theFunction if obj.loglevel is at least info
obj.error('error entry'); // will redirect to theFunction if obj.loglevel is at least error
Returns void
Object class to be extendetlogLevels
Object Object with all the available loglevels. Stored by their name (optional, defaultdefaultLogLevels
Loglevel the default value for the logLevel property (optional,
import { LogLevelMixin } = from 'loglevel-mixin';
class BaseClass {
log(level, message) { console.log(`${level} ${message}`); }
class LoggingEnabledClass extends LogLevelMixin(BaseClass) {
Returns Object newly created class ready to be further extendet/used
Helper function to aggregate values into a log event.
string log severityarg
(string | Object) original log message - level may be overwrittenargs
Object? additional values to be merged into the final log event - values have precedence
Returns {message: string} } suitable for log event processing