A module to factor numbers in Python. The module uses several techniques to factor an integer, including
Lookup tables for numbers below 10^6
Trial division of primes below 1200
Miller-Rabin primality test (deterministic up to the published limit)
Brent's variant of the Pollard Rho algorithm, by default running for up to 1 second
An interface to a DLL of a fast C++ implementation, for 64 bit numbers. The C++ implementation can be found at https://github.com/armchaircaver/Factors
Python interface to YAFU, running YAFU as a subprocess, to factorise very large numbers (YAFU can be obtained from https://sourceforge.net/projects/yafu/)
Using Martin G Kelly's implementation of the Elliptic Curve Method (ECM) if the Brent algorithm fails to find a factor within its time limit. In practice, ECM is only useful if GMP arithmetic is available (via module gmpy2). pyecm can be found at https://github.com/martingkelly/pyecm
The main functions of the module are:
factorise(n, maxBrentTime=1.0) return a list of the prime factors of n. maxBrentTime specifies the number of seconds that the Pollard Rho algorithm should run for, before resorting to ECM or YAFU
millerRabin(n) returns True if the Miller Rabin algorithm determines that n is probably prime, False if it identifies n as a composite. The algorithm is deterministic up to 2^64
brent(N,maxBrentTime=1.0) implements the Pollard Rho algorithm with Brent's vaiation, and returns a prime factor of N, or raises and exception if it times out without finding a factor
brent_gmp(n,maxBrentTime=1.0) GMP implemtation of the Pollard Rho algorithm. Requires module gmpy2, available at https://pypi.org/project/gmpy2/
carmichael(n) returns the Carmichael number of n
totient(n) returns the Euler totient number of n
all_factors(n) returns all the factors, aka divisors of n, e.g. all_factors(12) returns [1,2,3,4,6,12]
A test suite is also provided in "factors test cases.py"