Contributors: Arnab Kumar Paul, Arpit Goyal, Sangeetha B. Srinivasa
Requirements: Python 2.7, NetworkX python library, NS3 python bindings (for simulator)
Client: OST Requester module ( handles the requests consisting of application id, size of write request, number of stripes. These requests are sent to MDS via HTTP GET Requests.
MDS: receives the requests from the client, performs mapping and returns the set of OSTs to the client. interacts with the lustreLoadBalancer package on MDS.
lustreLoadBalancer package: Uses Markov Chain Model to predict future requests. Uses "oddmon" package to collect statistics from MDS, OSS and OSTs. Returns these statistics to lustreLoadBalancer package on MDS. Uses min-cost max-flow algorithm to map requests to OSTs based on the statistics to get load balanced setup. Returns the mapping of requests to OSTs back to, which returns it back to the client. Used to define the OSS and OST configuration for Lustre.
*For running simulation, open a NS3 shell, and run
*AppLog2.txt: Sample requests for HACC I/O
ODDMON package (inside Statistics Gatherer): Modified the already existing ORNL oddmon package to collect statistics. Deployed on OSS to publish the OSS and OST statistics defined in metric_plugins to MDS via RabbitMQ. Deployed on MDS to collect statistics from OSS and also from MDS as defined in metric_plugins.
These statistics are given to the lustreLoadBalancer package (