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Tweet Fighter API


Instilation For Development

For development you will need the folowing installed:

  • sqlite3
  • node
  • npm

Clone the the repo:

git clone [email protected]:aronmarriott-smith/tweet-fighter-api.git .

Install the dependencies:

cd tweet-fighter-api
npm install

Create a sqlite database in the root of the project

touch database.sqliet

Instilation For Production

For production we recomend running on an LTS version of ubuntu server which uses systemd and has the following installed:

  • sqlite3
  • mysql (or marina db)
  • node
  • npm

Clone the the repo:

git clone [email protected]:aronmarriott-smith/tweet-fighter-api.git .

Install the dependencies:

cd tweet-fighter-api
npm install

Copy the tweet_fighter.service.example

cp tweet_fighter.service.example tweet_fighter.service

Edit the ExecStart and WorkingDirectory to match your instilation path Copy your service file into the /etc/systemd/system directory. Then make systemd aware of the new service:

systemctl daemon-reload

Start the service:

systemctl start tweet_fighter

All your node console output is logged to the journal with the same name as your .service file. To watch logs for 'tweet_fighter' in realtime:

journalctl --follow -u tweet_fighter

Unless you're perfect the first time you run your app you might have the odd problem. Read the log output using journalctl, fix anything it tells you about, then restart the app with:

systemctl restart tweet_fighter

Your app should soon be up and running.


Deploying should be a matter of cleaning any generated files, pulling the latest code, installing whatever new packages your node-shrinkwrap file specifies, and restarting the service:

git clean -f -d
git pull origin/master
npm install
systemctl restart tweet_fighter


Tweet Fighter API






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