Author: Manish Arora
Version: Revision: 0.1 Python3 script converts JUNOS "show isis database detail | display json" output into dot format that can visualized using Graphviz
Sample .png auto generated from sample dot file
- Clone the repository on system with Python3
- Create text file with output of "show isis database detail | display json"
- Run as shown in the screen capture below. Customization field is optional and searches for a regular expression to change color
* Successful execution of script should create a dot file as shown in [samples](samples/ * Resultant dot file can be converted into png, jpeg or pdf format as shown below. to isis_db.png:
Graphiz can be easily installed on your choice of operating system as shown here
- Windows 10 Install is available here
- Run dot.exe -c post installation inside Graphiz installed directory
- Ubuntu requires libgts-dev to run sfdp