##Questions tackled:
- Full Stack MVC Framework. ✔
- Get the Stack up and running on local environment. ✔
- Create a DB table with simple schema. Include some joins/relationships. ✔
- Generate CRUD Controllers from the Entities. ✔
- Add a unique controller to demonstrate non-reliance on CRUD default functions. ✔ A unique controller to write a review for the movie from any movie_show page.
- Consume an existing API load the DB with movies.✔
###note: To make demonstration simpler, I've focused most of the features on the movie_show page. This page demonstrates most parts of the homework.
*Search any movie from the main page. The page will update with search results at the bottom. *Hit Add to DB button for any movie result and wait for "Saved" or "Error" label on the button. *If button shows "Saved", you nowcan goto /movie and view the movie currently added. *The cast, title and release date will be automatically added. *Cast are individual objects so you can click on the casts and view/edit them separately.
- Keep geting 404 error to existing route through AJAX. Route->movie_ajax_add ==> FIXED
**I'm going to add just windows instructions since that's what I worked on. Linux, macOS instructions will be similar except for Composer installation part.
Install Composer download composer
Install XAMPP download xampp
Install Git or download the code directly from here
Open Command Prompt and goto the project folder.
composer require all
While it's updating packages, open the .env file and enter the local database details. Be sure to launch mysql server from XAMPP-Control Panel.
- Once composer is done installing packages, run:
php bin/console doctrine:database:create
php bin/console make:migration
php bin/console doctrine:migration:migrate
php bin/console server:run
from the project folder.