A curated list of awesome Aviation resources. Currently focused towards general aviation, but named generically so the scope can be expanded on.
Inspired by The Awesome List movement.
- General Reading
- Learning to Fly
- Communication & Radios
- Flight Planning & Weather
- Airplanes
- Tech Stuff
- Simulation
- Psychology of flying
- Other Resources
- Inspiration
- Aviation acronyms
- Thank Yous
- Contributing
- License
- Reddit - r/aviation, r/flying
- AOPA - GA (General Aviation) magazine, members association and much more.
- To quote their about page: "Our mission is to ensure that the sky remains within reach of everyone who dreams of becoming a pilot.".
What to learn to fly?
- Depending on where you are there are a few options:
- USA:
- Start with a Sports Pilot License or Private Pilot License
- FAA's Become a Pilot
- How to Become an Airline Pilot
- USA:
- FAA (aka The Federal Aviation Administration) resources:
- ⭐FAA - Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge - The holy book of knowledge that most student pilots in the US will become intimately familiar with.
- FAA - Aviation Handbooks & Manuals
- ⭐PilotWorkshops - Online Pilot Proficiency Training
- MzeroA - Online ground school.
- FAA Safety - Particularly their WINGS program.
- ⭐AOPA Online Courses
- ⭐See How It Flies - Recommended by a friend. (Thanks MM)
- ⭐LiveATC.net - Listen to Live ATC (Air Traffic Control) Communications. Hear how the pros do it. Great to listen in if you're bored on a long layout.
- ⭐Plane English App - iOS and Android app for Aviation Radio Simulator. Amazing! Practice radio calls and it will tell you how accourate you are, and what you missed.
Weather is listed here as its an important component of planning. If this list grows, it can be expanded out.
- 1800wxbrief Flight Services Interactive Map
- ⭐SkyVector: Flight Planning / Aeronautical Charts
- ⭐ForeFlight - Integrated Flight App for Pilots ($$)
- Global map of wind, weather, and ocean conditions
Got some 💸? Dreamers read on - realist skip this.
- Cirrus Vision Jet - If I had a (few) million dollars!
- Honda Jet
- How to Buy a Private Jet
Think you can't afford to every buy a plane? Then consider building one. 😉 It'll take time, but this is the ultimate experience, knowledge building and respectable building exercise. This is for true aviation nuts with the time to spare (that could take half a decade or so).
An interesting intersection of aviation and technology for someone who likes to tinker.
- ⭐PiAware - ADS-B and MLAT Receiver ✈ FlightAware - Use a Raspiberry Pi to listed in for commercial airliner location, altitude and airspeed around you, and plot them on a nice web page. Great weekend project for kids or adults alike.
- And in general FlightAware - Flight Tracker / Flight Status
- Flightradar24: Live Flight Tracker - Real-Time Flight Tracker Map
- Stratux ADS-B | Stratux ADS-B - DIY/Low-cost Portable ADS-B
- What’s the difference between 1090 and 978? - Cincinnati Avionics
- Fly A Jet - One of the authors had an excellent experience with them in NZ.
- X-Plane - A good option for getting started.
- Microsoft Flight Simulator - A new 2020 version is under development and the demo of the scenery look amazing.
- Pilot edge - Radio simulation to complement flight simulation.
- ⭐The overview effect - "The impact of looking down at the Earth from above, and how it can create a shift in the way astronauts view and think about our planet and life itself". IMHO the same applies to pilots a few thousand feet AGL.
- Never Again - AOPA - Quoting them: "Pilots share first-person accounts of frightening experiences in the cockpit so that others can learn from their mistakes."
- AOPALive - Regular posts on GA updates.
- 5 Private jets under $1M
- Airframe
- Skyward
- AOPA Aviation eBrief - Daily aviations newsletter.
- Home - Student Pilot News
- Video Tips Archives - Student Pilot News
- iPad Pilot News - Email Signup
- Think you're too old to [learn to] fly? Think again. Check these folks out: 1
A list of acronyms that are used here:
- GA - General Aviation. Essentially flying for fun.
- AGL - Above Ground Level
- VFR - Visual Flight Rules. Flying
- IFR - Instrument Flight Rules. Flying under conditions in which flight by outside visual reference is not safe.
Thanks from us all to...
- The pioneer to the yester-years: The Wright brothers, Amelia Earhart and countless others who made modern aviation possible.
- The teachers, friends, family and numerous other who help train and support pilots and other aviation careers.
- The future pilot, mechanic, engineer, or dreamer of the flight.
- All the pilots, flight crews, ground and airport staff who fly us all safely from one place to another. You've made aviation en everyday service that we're gotten so used to that if you're a bit off, we complain. So, thanks for putting up with us.
Your contributions are always welcome!
We am providing the resources in this repository under an open source license. Because this is a personal, non-corporate repository, the license you receive is from this user, and not their employers.