This application is being created to show off some features I can build in a weekend that I think might be something I would be doing if I were to get the position.
-We will be trying to put together the following features
-Webcrawler that can go look at google and see where a specific website is in terms of how high up it is in the search results. +Webcrawler is working now, need to figure out exactly what we are wanting to pull in but this is working now.
-Hit twitter's API and collect data about impressions for social media posts then take that and throw it into a graph showing its growth overtime. +Have not received access to API yet(as of Sunday), might be able to get this working before Tuesday if I get it Monday morning.
-Create a service that will send a text message as well as an email to predetermined recipients once certain metrics are reached with both of the external data-points.
-If time is still remaining learn react and have a few examples of that in the application.
-If even more time, then see if we can't add a component to the email message that would enable us to track how long it takes from send until its opened and for how long it is opened and if any hard coded links are touched.
-Utilize Hotwire if possible.