goFAL is a File Abstraction Layer written in Go.
I've found myself scripting a fair bit in Go and needed this library. So built it.
Create a file structure in memory. This file structure contains directories and files. Each directory and file has permissions. Once you've built the structure, generate it with the Generate()
function using the root directory as the anchor point.
Next, you can populate the files with data using helper functions.
Once happy, run the BuildHashes()
function, again using the root directory as the anchor.
Other stages like SetPerms()
will set the permissions to what you intend, else they remain at 0777
in octal which is basically a free for all.
Change directory to the exampleCode directory and install the dependencies.
cd exampleCode
godep restore
go build
I'm assuming you have a working Go install. If in doubt, use the latest stable.
Copyright 2018 David Gee
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package main
import (
gf "github.com/arsonistgopher/gofal"
func main() {
Example of how to use the goFAL package.
goFAL builds a tree of file type instances. This tree is then used
to build a real file tree when the correct package functions are called.
Each file has both SHA1 and SHA256 hashes calculated for easy use.
This was created to make projects easier to build for packaging and scripting.
This is an alpha release at best and comes without support.
Author: David Gee
Copyright: David Gee
Date: 20th April 2018
Contributors welcome!
logrus.Info("--- Welcome to the goFAL Demo ---")
// Create root node called 'build'
build, err := gf.BuildRoot("build", os.ModePerm)
if err != nil {
// Add a content directory called 'content' and set the permissions
content, err := gf.BuildNode(build, "content", os.ModePerm, gf.DIR)
if err != nil {
// Add a file under the build directory called 'content1' and set perms
file1, err := gf.BuildNode(build, "content1.txt", 0444, gf.FILE)
if err != nil {
// Add a file under the content directory called 'content2' and set perms
file2, err := gf.BuildNode(content, "content2.txt", 0444, gf.FILE)
if err != nil {
// Generate file tree on disk
err = gf.Generate(build)
if err != nil {
// Insert content
file1Content := []byte("Hello from ArsonistGopher once.")
file2Content := []byte("Hello from ArsonistGopher twice.")
err = gf.FileWrite(file1, file1Content)
if err != nil {
err = gf.FileWrite(file2, file2Content)
if err != nil {
// Create hashes using the build root as an anchor
err = gf.BuildHashes(build)
if err != nil {
// Set permissions (post writing) as per tree data
err = gf.SetPerms(build)
if err != nil {
// Uncomment line below to print build info
// fmt.Println(build.String())
// Because we have a String() method, we can also call print directly. Uncomment line below.
// fmt.Print(build)
// This builds our stringfied object tree
The actual stdout from this demo looks like this:
cd exampleCode
go build
INFO[0000] --- Welcome to the FDS Demo ---
Root Name: build
Is Directory: true
Permissions: -rwxrwxrwx
Directory: /Users/davidgee/Documents/GoDev/src/github.com/davidjohngee/goFAL/exampleCode
Full path: /Users/davidgee/Documents/GoDev/src/github.com/davidjohngee/goFAL/exampleCode/build
--- Root Name: content
--- Is Directory: true
--- Permissions: -rwxrwxrwx
--- Directory: /Users/davidgee/Documents/GoDev/src/github.com/davidjohngee/goFAL/exampleCode/build
--- Full path: /Users/davidgee/Documents/GoDev/src/github.com/davidjohngee/goFAL/exampleCode/build/content
------ Root Name: content2.txt
------ Is Directory: false
------ Permissions: -r--r--r--
------ Directory: /Users/davidgee/Documents/GoDev/src/github.com/davidjohngee/goFAL/exampleCode/build/content
------ Full path: /Users/davidgee/Documents/GoDev/src/github.com/davidjohngee/goFAL/exampleCode/build/content/content2.txt
------ SHA1: f1a9c7040d7e12388ef8cff7c46a775f817e023a
------ SHA256: 5f99c18e0aacfcaba41a170bfcf72bed18ef922c3625c8db5f60c9662ff3b71a
--- Root Name: content1.txt
--- Is Directory: false
--- Permissions: -r--r--r--
--- Directory: /Users/davidgee/Documents/GoDev/src/github.com/davidjohngee/goFAL/exampleCode/build
--- Full path: /Users/davidgee/Documents/GoDev/src/github.com/davidjohngee/goFAL/exampleCode/build/content1.txt
--- SHA1: b06ffa9228f909b137f05b722134587e4cac50c7
--- SHA256: b2eb802149ad810cc9db94b1648224633c575ee55b682f8e683330adb7e96b15
Running some simple stat and tree commands.
├── build
│ ├── content
│ │ └── content2.txt
│ └── content1.txt
Ok, so that worked. What about the permissions?
stat -f '%A %N' *
# 755 build
stat -f '%A %N' build/*
# 777 build/content
# 444 build/content1.txt
stat -f '%A %N' build/content/*
# 444 build/content/content2.txt
Hopefully for someone. If not, I'll continue to use it.
Fork it, create a PR to main. Avoid branches.