- Overview Section, page 7
Add RewardDistributorV1LZ contract in the report Overview section, it is the most important contract in the project and is missing in the list, even though it was audited.
MAC - Missing Access Control - FIXED, added a check that the method can be called only by user himself or by approved sponsor admin addresses
ISRP - Inadequate Signature Replay Protection - ACKNOWLEDGE, NOT A BUG, SEE BELOW
We have adequate replay protection mechanism, as backend always signs number of all REWARDS accrued per user. Contract keeps track in in
how much was already withdrawn. So even if someone tries to reuse signature, he cannot be able to withdraw more thantotalAmount - withdrawnRewards
, you can see it in line 253.
- PLAM - Potential Liquidity Amount Manipulation - FIXED, added a fixed range restriction for positions, that can be staked
- APW - Admin Privileged Withdrawals - ACKNOWLEDGE, multisig is used
- CCR - Contract Centralization Risk - ACKNOWLEDGE, multisig is used
- IAC - Inadequate Access Control - FIXED, added onlyOwner modifier
- IAI - Inadequate Admin Initialization - ACKNOWLEDGE, the checks are performed in the deployment scripts
- ISV - Inadequate Signature Verification - ACKNOWLEDGE, NOT A BUG, we actually check that tokenAdmin signed the message
- MCM - Misleading Comment Messages - FIXED, added correct comment message
- MEM - Missing Error Messages - FIXED, error message added
- MSC - Missing Sanity Check - FIXED, sanity check added
- MTLV - Missing Time Lock Validation - ACKNOWLEDGE
- MU - Modifiers Usage - ACKNOWLEDGE
- PL TM - Potential Lock Time Manipulation - ACKNOWLEDGE
- PTAI - Potential Transfer Amount Inconsistency - ACKNOWLEDGE, there is no tax on token transfers
- RFD - Redundant Function Declaration - ACKNOWLEDGE
- RSML - Redundant SafeMath Library - ACKNOWLEDGE
- SVMC - Signature Validation Missing ChainID - ACKNOWLEDGE
- TSI - Tokens Sufficiency Insurance - ACKNOWLEDGE, the process is intentionally split to two methods to align with offchain processes
- L04 - Conformance to Solidity Naming Conventions - ACKNOWLEDGE
- L16 - Validate Variable Setters - ACKNOWLEDGE
- L19 - Stable Compiler Version - ACKNOWLEDGE
We do believe that these findings are not a bug and can be completely removed from the audit: 2. ISRP - Inadequate Signature Replay Protection 8. ISV - Inadequate Signature Verification