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add number_density restriction on pair-corr
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arturgower committed Sep 19, 2023
1 parent ef7fb3b commit 8b08866
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Showing 5 changed files with 100 additions and 33 deletions.
55 changes: 51 additions & 4 deletions src/pair-correlation.jl
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Expand Up @@ -78,21 +78,65 @@ struct DiscretePairCorrelation{Dim} <: PairCorrelation
"the average number of particles divided by the volume containing the centre of the particles"

function DiscretePairCorrelation{Dim}(r::AbstractVector, g::AbstractVector, minimal_distance::Float64, number_density::Float64;
tol::AbstractFloat = 1e-3
function DiscretePairCorrelation{Dim}(r::AbstractVector, g::AbstractVector, minimal_distance::Float64, number_density::Float64 = -1.0;
tol::AbstractFloat = 1e-3, rescale = false
) where Dim
if !isempty(g) && size(g) != size(r)
@error "the size of vector of distances `r` (currently $(size(r))) should be the same as the size of the pair-correlation variation `g` (currently $(size(g)))."
if !isempty(g) && abs(g[end]) > tol
@warn "For the pair-correlation to be accurate, we expect it to be long enough (in terms of the distance `r`) such that the particle positions become uncorrelatd. They become uncorrelated when `g[end]` tends to zero."

# Predict the number density from the restriction that is due to the link with a probability distribution, and assuming homogeneous distribution of particles.

σs = trapezoidal_scheme(r)

sumg = sum(g .* r .^ (Dim - 1) .* σs)

number_density_predict = 1 / (2*(Dim - 1) * π * (r[end] ^ Dim / Dim - sumg))

if number_density == -1.0
number_density = number_density_predict

number_density_error = abs(number_density / number_density_predict - 1)

# This formula seems to sensitive to numerical errors.
# if number_density_error > tol
# println("The number density that was specified was $(number_density), whereas the calculated number density was $(number_density_predict), a reltive error of $(number_density_error)")
# end

if rescale
println("rescaling this pair correlation according to the number density provided.")
# this rescaling is due to a restriction imposed by the connection to probability distributions

b = r[end] ^ Dim / Dim - 1 / (2*(Dim - 1) * π * number_density)
α = b / sumg

if α < 0
@error "rescaling has failed and has given a negative scale for the pair-correlation"

g = α .* g


function number_density(discrete_pair::DiscretePairCorrelation{Dim}) where Dim

σs = trapezoidal_scheme(discrete_pair.r)

sumg = sum(discrete_pair.g .* discrete_pair.r .^ (Dim - 1) .* σs)

number_density_predict = 1 / (2*(Dim - 1) * π * (discrete_pair.r[end] ^ Dim / Dim - sumg))


function DiscretePairCorrelation(Dim::Int,r::AbstractVector, g::AbstractVector;
number_density::AbstractFloat = 0.0,
number_density::AbstractFloat = -1.0,
minimal_distance::AbstractFloat = r[1],
tol::AbstractFloat = 1e-3
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -270,7 +314,10 @@ function DiscretePairCorrelation(s::Specie{3, P} where P<:AbstractParticle{3}, p
9f * (1 + f) / (2 * η * (1 - f)^3) + 2 /*pi) * int_ker

return DiscretePairCorrelation(3, distances, dp .+ 1.0; number_density = numdensity, tol = pairtype.rtol)
g = dp .+ 1.0;
g[distances .< R] .= zero(T)

return DiscretePairCorrelation(3, distances, g; number_density = numdensity, tol = pairtype.rtol)

function DiscretePairCorrelation(s::Specie{Dim}, pairtype::MonteCarloPairCorrelation{Dim}, distances::AbstractVector{T}) where {T, Dim}
Expand Down
31 changes: 2 additions & 29 deletions test/pair-correlation-test.jl
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Expand Up @@ -57,7 +57,6 @@ using CSV

@test norm(sfactor.S - sfactor2.S) / norm(sfactor.S) < 0.1

# choose the spatial dimension
dim = 3

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -128,10 +127,10 @@ end
R = 2*outer_radius(s1) * s1.separation_ratio

pairtype = PercusYevick(3; rtol=1e-3, maxevals = Int(2e5))

# Need to scale the distance by R
py = DiscretePairCorrelation(s1, pairtype, R .* distances)

i = findfirst(distances .> 1.0)

@test norm(py.g[i:end] - g_reference[i:end]) / norm(g_reference[i:end]) < 0.02
Expand All @@ -145,29 +144,3 @@ end

@test true

@testset "structure-factor" begin

# use a pair correlation with a known exact formula for the structure factor
α = 1.5;
β = 3.0;

number_density = 0.5
dim = 3

f(r) = 1 + (exp(im * β * r) + exp(-im * β * r)) * exp(- α * r) / r

rs = 0.001:0.001:10.0;

pair = DiscretePairCorrelation(dim, rs, f.(rs); number_density = 0.5)

@test pair.g[end] - 1.0 < 1e-8

ks = 0.2:0.2:20.0
sfactor = structure_factor(pair, ks)

S(k) = 1 + 4π * number_density * real(1 / (k^2 +- im * β)^2) + 1 / (k^2 ++ im * β)^2) )

@test norm(S.(ks) - sfactor.S) / norm(sfactor.S) < 1e-5

21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions test/particulate-from-structure.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
# Here we calculate a particle configuration from a structure factor

using ParticleCorrelations
using Test, Statistics

using Optim
using Plots

a = 1.0
rs = 0.0:0.01:8.0

g = 1.0 .+ exp.(-(rs .- 4a).^2)

dpair = DiscretePairCorrelation(2, rs, g)



1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions test/runtests.jl
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Expand Up @@ -2,4 +2,5 @@ using ParticleCorrelations
using Test, Statistics

25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions test/structure-factor-test.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
@testset "structure-factor" begin

# use a pair correlation with a known exact formula for the structure factor
α = 1.5;
β = 3.0;

number_density = 0.5
dim = 3

f(r) = 1 + (exp(im * β * r) + exp(-im * β * r)) * exp(- α * r) / r

rs = 0.001:0.001:10.0;

pair = DiscretePairCorrelation(dim, rs, f.(rs); number_density = 0.5)

@test pair.g[end] - 1.0 < 1e-8

ks = 0.2:0.2:20.0
sfactor = structure_factor(pair, ks)

S(k) = 1 + 4π * number_density * real(1 / (k^2 +- im * β)^2) + 1 / (k^2 ++ im * β)^2) )

@test norm(S.(ks) - sfactor.S) / norm(sfactor.S) < 1e-5


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