For Linux: Using Sublime 3 as code editor
- Install prerequisites
sudo apt-get install python3
Open Sublime
Ctrl + `
copy command from
press enter and restart Sublime
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
Open Sublime
ctrl + shift + p
select "package control: install package"
search and install SublimeLinter
search and install SublimeLinter-pylint
search and install AutoDocString
search and install FileHeader
search and install PyYapf Python Formatter, change settings
"on_save": true
- search and install Markdown Preview
- To setup the docs folder use
- To process code documentation into .rst files
cd docs/
sphinx-apidoc -f -o ./ ../modules/
- To generate documentation
cd docs/
make html
- Run tests from root
pytest -v unit-tests/