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Move Dataset and InferenceData into module (#213)
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
* Create InferenceObjects module

* Reorganize files into submodule

* Import module

* Don't use arviz_version()

* Remove reference to doc_str

* Collect all Python interop in xarray.jl

* Move base conversion functions to InferenceObjects

* Move utils to InferenceObjects

* Remove unnecessary method

* Add missing imports

* Explicitly list schema group names

* Update imports

* Add back missing import

* Split dataset tests

* Split InferenceData tests

* Load module directly

* Separate out dataset conversion tests

* Separate InferenceData conversion tests

* Remove reference to ArviZ

* Test package_version

* Source helpers for now

* Move default_var_name

* Add back removed conversion methods

* Move PyCall conversion tests

* Remove requirement to have arviz_version attribute

* Don't test for arviz_version

* Test an actual package

* Refer to correct function

* Don't load non-existent file

* Run formatter

* Increment version number

* Run formatter

* Move merge to InferenceObjects

* Reorganize docs

* Write example that doesn't require example data

* Collect dimension-related code

* Rename function

* Rearrange tests

* Reorganize code

* Set default coordinates to axis of underlying array

* Use broadcasting and add type annotation

* Add dimension tests

* Add missing variable declarations

* Don't import internal functions

* Fix tests

* Add missing tests

* Point to LookupArrays

* Add OffsetArrays as a test dependency

* Copy test helper functions

* Move from_namedtuple to InferenceObjects

* Move rekey to InferenceObjects

* Move flatten and rest of rekey to InferenceObjects

* Copy helper functions

* Run formatter

* Revert "Move flatten and rest of rekey to InferenceObjects"

This reverts commit 9ca8d5e.

* Revert "Move rekey to InferenceObjects"

This reverts commit 6e736e4.

* Move utilities to InferenceObjects

* Document, improve, and test utilities

* Evaluate conditional statically
  • Loading branch information
sethaxen authored Aug 13, 2022
1 parent 4070390 commit f0e4020
Show file tree
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Showing 32 changed files with 1,272 additions and 876 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "ArviZ"
uuid = "131c737c-5715-5e2e-ad31-c244f01c1dc7"
authors = ["Seth Axen <[email protected]>"]
version = "0.6.0"
version = "0.6.1"

Conda = "8f4d0f93-b110-5947-807f-2305c1781a2d"
Expand Down
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions docs/make.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -47,8 +47,10 @@ makedocs(;
"Stats" => "api/",
"Diagnostics" => "api/",
"Data" => "api/",
"InferenceData" => "api/",
"Dataset" => "api/",
"InferenceObjects" => [
"InferenceData" => "api/",
"Dataset" => "api/",
Expand Down
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions docs/src/api/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ from_samplechains
## IO / General conversion

Expand All @@ -28,7 +27,6 @@ to_netcdf

## Example data
Expand Down
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/api/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,3 +28,15 @@ Base.setindex

`InferenceData` also implements the same iteration interface as its underlying `NamedTuple`.
That is, iterating over an `InferenceData` iterates over its groups.

## General conversion


## General functions

13 changes: 9 additions & 4 deletions src/ArviZ.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ __precompile__()
module ArviZ

using Base: @__doc__
using Dates
using Requires
using REPL
using DataFrames
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -35,6 +34,15 @@ import StatsBase: summarystats
import Markdown: @doc_str
import PyCall: PyObject


using .InferenceObjects
import .InferenceObjects: convert_to_inference_data, namedtuple_of_arrays
# internal functions temporarily used/extended here
using .InferenceObjects:
attributes, flatten, groupnames, groups, hasgroup, rekey, setattribute!
import .InferenceObjects: namedtuple_of_arrays

# Exports

## Plots
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -129,14 +137,11 @@ end

end # module
40 changes: 40 additions & 0 deletions src/InferenceObjects/InferenceObjects.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
module InferenceObjects

using Dates: Dates
using DimensionalData: DimensionalData, Dimensions, LookupArrays
using OrderedCollections: OrderedDict

# groups that are officially listed in the schema
const SCHEMA_GROUPS_DICT = Dict(n => i for (i, n) in enumerate(SCHEMA_GROUPS))
const DEFAULT_SAMPLE_DIMS = Dimensions.key2dim((:chain, :draw))

export Dataset, InferenceData
export convert_to_dataset, convert_to_inference_data, from_namedtuple, namedtuple_to_dataset


end # module
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions src/InferenceObjects/convert_dataset.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
Base.convert(::Type{Dataset}, obj) = convert_to_dataset(obj)
Base.convert(::Type{Dataset}, obj::Dataset) = obj

convert_to_dataset(obj; group = :posterior, kwargs...) -> Dataset
Convert a supported object to a `Dataset`.
In most cases, this function calls [`convert_to_inference_data`](@ref) and returns the
corresponding `group`.
function convert_to_dataset end

function convert_to_dataset(obj; group::Symbol=:posterior, kwargs...)
idata = convert_to_inference_data(obj; group, kwargs...)
dataset = getproperty(idata, group)
return dataset
convert_to_dataset(data::Dataset; kwargs...) = data
90 changes: 90 additions & 0 deletions src/InferenceObjects/convert_inference_data.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
convert(::Type{InferenceData}, obj)
Convert `obj` to an `InferenceData`.
`obj` can be any type for which [`convert_to_inference_data`](@ref) is defined.
Base.convert(::Type{InferenceData}, obj) = convert_to_inference_data(obj)
Base.convert(::Type{InferenceData}, obj::InferenceData) = obj
Base.convert(::Type{NamedTuple}, data::InferenceData) = NamedTuple(data)
NamedTuple(data::InferenceData) = parent(data)

convert_to_inference_data(obj; group, kwargs...) -> InferenceData
Convert a supported object to an [`InferenceData`](@ref) object.
If `obj` converts to a single dataset, `group` specifies which dataset in the resulting
`InferenceData` that is.
See [`convert_to_dataset`](@ref)
# Arguments
- `obj` can be many objects. Basic supported types are:
+ [`InferenceData`](@ref): return unchanged
+ [`Dataset`](@ref)/`DimensionalData.AbstractDimStack`: add to `InferenceData` as the only
+ `NamedTuple`/`AbstractDict`: create a `Dataset` as the only group
+ `AbstractArray{<:Real}`: create a `Dataset` as the only group, given an arbitrary
name, if the name is not set
More specific types may be documented separately.
# Keywords
- `group::Symbol = :posterior`: If `obj` converts to a single dataset, assign the resulting
dataset to this group.
- `dims`: a collection mapping variable names to collections of objects containing
dimension names. Acceptable such objects are:
+ `Symbol`: dimension name
+ `Type{<:DimensionsionalData.Dimension}`: dimension type
+ `DimensionsionalData.Dimension`: dimension, potentially with indices
+ `Nothing`: no dimension name provided, dimension name is automatically generated
- `coords`: a collection indexable by dimension name specifying the indices of the given
dimension. If indices for a dimension in `dims` are provided, they are used even if
the dimension contains its own indices. If a dimension is missing, its indices are
automatically generated.
- `kwargs`: remaining keywords forwarded to converter functions
function convert_to_inference_data end

convert_to_inference_data(data::InferenceData; kwargs...) = data
function convert_to_inference_data(stack::DimensionalData.AbstractDimStack; kwargs...)
return convert_to_inference_data(Dataset(stack); kwargs...)
function convert_to_inference_data(data::Dataset; group=:posterior, kwargs...)
return convert_to_inference_data(InferenceData(; group => data); kwargs...)
function convert_to_inference_data(data::AbstractDict{Symbol}; kwargs...)
return convert_to_inference_data(NamedTuple(data); kwargs...)
function convert_to_inference_data(var_data::AbstractArray{<:Real}; kwargs...)
data = (; default_var_name(var_data) => var_data)
return convert_to_inference_data(data; kwargs...)
function convert_to_inference_data(
ds = namedtuple_to_dataset(data; kwargs...)
return convert_to_inference_data(ds; group)

default_var_name(data) -> Symbol
Return the default name for the variable whose values are stored in `data`.
default_var_name(data) = :x
function default_var_name(data::DimensionalData.AbstractDimArray)
name =
name isa Symbol && return name
name isa AbstractString && !isempty(name) && return Symbol(name)
return default_var_name(parent(data))
128 changes: 128 additions & 0 deletions src/InferenceObjects/dataset.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
Dataset{L} <: DimensionalData.AbstractDimStack{L}
Container of dimensional arrays sharing some dimensions.
This type is an
that implements the same interface as `DimensionalData.DimStack` and has identical usage.
When a `Dataset` is passed to Python, it is converted to an `xarray.Dataset` without copying
the data. That is, the Python object shares the same memory as the Julia object. However,
if an `xarray.Dataset` is passed to Julia, its data must be copied.
# Constructors
In most cases, use [`convert_to_dataset`](@ref) to create a `Dataset` instead of directly
using a constructor.
struct Dataset{L,D<:DimensionalData.AbstractDimStack{L}} <:

Dataset(args...; kwargs...) = Dataset(DimensionalData.DimStack(args...; kwargs...))
Dataset(data::Dataset) = data

Base.parent(data::Dataset) = getfield(data, :data)

Base.propertynames(data::Dataset) = keys(data)

Base.getproperty(data::Dataset, k::Symbol) = getindex(data, k)

function setattribute!(data::Dataset, k::Symbol, value)
setindex!(DimensionalData.metadata(data), value, k)
return value
@deprecate setattribute!(data::Dataset, k::AbstractString, value) setattribute!(
data, Symbol(k), value
) false

namedtuple_to_dataset(data; kwargs...) -> Dataset
Convert `NamedTuple` mapping variable names to arrays to a [`Dataset`](@ref).
# Keywords
- `attrs`: a Symbol-indexable collection of metadata to attach to the dataset, in addition
to defaults. Values should be JSON serializable.
- `library::Union{String,Module}`: library used for performing inference. Will be attached
to the `attrs` metadata.
- `dims`: a collection mapping variable names to collections of objects containing dimension
names. Acceptable such objects are:
+ `Symbol`: dimension name
+ `Type{<:DimensionsionalData.Dimension}`: dimension type
+ `DimensionsionalData.Dimension`: dimension, potentially with indices
+ `Nothing`: no dimension name provided, dimension name is automatically generated
- `coords`: a collection indexable by dimension name specifying the indices of the given
dimension. If indices for a dimension in `dims` are provided, they are used even if
the dimension contains its own indices. If a dimension is missing, its indices are
automatically generated.
function namedtuple_to_dataset end
function namedtuple_to_dataset(
data; attrs=(;), library=nothing, dims=(;), coords=(;), default_dims=DEFAULT_SAMPLE_DIMS
dim_arrays = map(keys(data)) do var_name
var_data = data[var_name]
var_dims = get(dims, var_name, ())
return array_to_dimarray(var_data, var_name; dims=var_dims, coords, default_dims)
attributes = merge(default_attributes(library), attrs)
metadata = OrderedDict{Symbol,Any}(pairs(attributes))
return Dataset(dim_arrays...; metadata)

default_attributes(library=nothing) -> NamedTuple
Generate default attributes metadata for a dataset generated by inference library `library`.
`library` may be a `String` or a `Module`.
function default_attributes(library=nothing)
return (
created_at=Dates.format(, Dates.ISODateTimeFormat),

library_attributes(library) = (; inference_library=string(library))
library_attributes(::Nothing) = (;)
function library_attributes(library::Module)
return (

# DimensionalData interop

for f in [:data, :dims, :refdims, :metadata, :layerdims, :layermetadata]
@eval begin
DimensionalData.$(f)(ds::Dataset) = DimensionalData.$(f)(parent(ds))

# Warning: this is not an API function and probably should be implemented abstractly upstream
DimensionalData.show_after(io, mime, ::Dataset) = nothing

attributes(data::DimensionalData.AbstractDimStack) = DimensionalData.metadata(data)

Base.convert(T::Type{<:DimensionalData.DimStack}, data::Dataset) = convert(T, parent(data))

function DimensionalData.rebuild(data::Dataset; kwargs...)
return Dataset(DimensionalData.rebuild(parent(data); kwargs...))

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