Blockchain Wallet SDK includes APIs for managing wallet accounts (DID), digital assets (POE), colored tokens etc.
You need not care about how the backend blockchain runs or the unintelligible techniques, such as consensus, endorsement and decentralization. Simply use the SDK we provide to implement your business logics, we will handle caching, tagging, compressing, encrypting and high availability.
Please refer to the API document: Blockchain wallet platform
Run the following command to download the Go SDK:
go get
To invoke the SDK API, you first need to create a wallet client as follows:
import (
pw ""
restapi ""
walletapi ""
// Create wallet client
config := &restapi.Config{
Address: "https://API-Proxy-Gateway:Port",
ApiKey: "Your-API-Access-Key",
TLSConfig: &restapi.TLSConfig:{
CAFile: "path/to/tls/ca/cert",
CertFile: "path/to/tls/user/cert",
KeyFile: "path/to/tls/user/key",
CallbackUrl: "http://callback-url",
EnterpriseSignParam: &restapi.EnterpriseSignParam{
Creator: "did:axn:09e2fc68-f51e-4aff-b6e4-427cce3ed1af",
Nonce: "nonce",
PrivateKey: "RiQ+oEuaelf2aecUZvG7xrWr+p43ZfjGZYfDCXfQD+ku0xY5BXP8kIKhiqzKRvfyKBKM3y7V9O1bF7X3M9mxkQ==",
walletClient, err := walletapi.NewWalletClient(config)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("New wallet client fail: %v\n", err)
fmt.Printf("New wallet client succ\n")
When building the client configuration, the Address, ApiKey and TLSConfig fields must be set. The Address is set to the address of BaaS API proxy gateway, the ApiKey is set to the API access key obtained on
management page, and the TLSConfig is set to the real TLS config. -
is optional. You only need to set it if you need to receive blockchain transaction events. -
: Enterprise signature parameter, used to sign UTXO records for AXT fee.- Creator: Enterprise wallet did
- Nonce: Signature random nonce string
- PrivateKey: The ed25519 private key of enterprise wallet
About how to apply API-Key, please refer to Apikey Application
After creating wallet client, you can use this client to register wallet account as follows:
// Build request header
header := http.Header{}
// If you use synchronous invoking mode, set following header
header.Set("Bc-Invoke-Mode", "sync")
// Register wallet account
registerBody := &wallet.RegisterWalletBody{
Type: pw.DidType_ORGANIZATION,
Access: "alice0001",
Secret: "Alice#123456",
resp, err = walletClient.Register(header, registerBody)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Register wallet fail: %v\n", err)
walletID := resp.Id
keyPair := resp.KeyPair
fmt.Printf("Register wallet succ.\nwallet id: %v\nED25519 public key: %v\nED25519 private key: %v", walletID, keyPair.PublicKey, keyPair.PrivateKey)
After creating the wallet account, you can create POE assets for this account as follows:
// Create poe asset
poeBody := &wallet.POEBody{
Name: "TestPOE",
Owner: walletID,
Metadata: []byte("poe metadata"),
signParam := &pki.SignatureParam{
Creator: walletID,
Nonce: "nonce",
PrivateKey: keyPair.PrivateKey,
resp, err = walletClient.CreatePOE(header, poeBody, signParam)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("CreatePOE fail: %v\n", err)
fmt.Printf("Create POE succ. Response: %+v\n", resp)
// Upload poe file
poeID := string(resp.Id)
poeFile := "./test-upload-file"
resp, err = walletClient.UploadPOEFile(header, poeID, poeFile, false)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("UploadPOEFail fail: %v\n", err)
fmt.Printf("Upload POE file succ. Response: %+v\n", resp)
When creating POE assets, the Name and Owner fields must be set, and the Owner field must be set to the wallet account ID.
When building the signature parameter, use the ed25519 private key returned when registering wallet to do ed25519 signing.
API uploads the file to Offchain storage, generates SHA256 hash value for this file, and saves this hash value into blockchain.
Once you have possessed assets, you can use a specific asset to issue colored token as follows:
// Issue colored token
issueBody = &wallet.IssueBody{
Issuer: string(issuerID),
Owner: string(walletID),
AssetId: string(poeID),
Amount: 1000,
signParam = &pki.SignatureParam{
Creator: issuerID,
Nonce: "nonce",
PrivateKey: issuerKeyPair.PrivateKey,
resp, err = walletClient.IssueCToken(header, issueBody, signParam)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Issue colored token fail: %v\n", err)
log.Printf("Issue colored token succ. Response: %+v", resp)
- When issuing colored token, you need to specify an issuer (one wallet account ID), an asset to issue token, and the asset owner (another wallet account ID).
After issuing colored token, the asset owner's wallet account will own these colored tokens, and can transfer some of them to other wallet accounts.
// Transfer colored token
transferBody = &wallet.TransferCTokenBody{
From: string(walletID),
To: string(toID),
Tokens: []*wallet.TokenAmount{
TokenId: tokenId,
Amount: 100,
signParam = &pki.SignatureParam{
Creator: walletID,
Nonce: "nonce",
PrivateKey: keyPair.PrivateKey,
resp, err = walletClient.TransferCToken(header, transferBody, signParam)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Transfer colored token fail: %v\n", err)
log.Printf("Transfer colored token succ.\nResponse: %+v", resp)
You can use the GetWalletBalance
API to get the balance of the specified wallet
account as follows:
// Query wallet balance
balance, err = walletClient.GetWalletBalance(header, walletID)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Get wallet(%s) balance fail: %v\n", walletID, err)
if balance.ColoredTokens != nil {
fmt.Printf("Get wallet(%s) colored tokens succ\n", walletID)
for ctokenId, ctoken := range balance.ColoredTokens {
fmt.Printf("===> CTokenID: %v, Amount: %v\n", ctokenId, ctoken.Amount)
if balance.DigitalAssets != nil {
fmt.Printf("Get wallet(%s) digital assets succ\n", walletID)
for assetId, asset := range balance.DigitalAssets {
fmt.Printf("===> AssetID: %v, Amount: %v\n", assetId, asset.Amount)
You can use the QueryTransactionLogs
API to get the transaction logs of the
specified wallet account as follows:
// Query wallet tx logs
txType := "in" // tx type: transfer in/out, other: all
var num int32 = 1
var page int32 = 1
logs, err = walletClient.QueryTransactionLogs(header, walletID, txType, num, page)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Get wallet(%s) tx logs fail: %v\n", walletID, err)
if logs != nil {
fmt.Printf("Get wallet(%s) tx logs succ: %+v\n", walletID, logs)
You can use the QueryTransactionUTXO
API to get the transaction UTXOs of the
specified wallet account as follows:
// Query wallet UTXO
var num int32 = 1
var page int32 = 1
logs, err = walletClient.QueryTransactionUTXO(header, walletID, num, page)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Get wallet(%s) UTXOs fail: %v\n", walletID, err)
if logs != nil {
fmt.Printf("Get wallet(%s) UTXOs succ: %+v\n", walletID, logs)
You can use the QueryTransactionSTXO
API to get the transaction STXOs of the
specified wallet account as follows:
// Query wallet STXO
var num int32 = 1
var page int32 = 1
logs, err = walletClient.QueryTransactionSTXO(header, walletID, num, page)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Get wallet(%s) STXOs fail: %v\n", walletID, err)
if logs != nil {
fmt.Printf("Get wallet(%s) STXOs succ: %+v\n", walletID, logs)
Each of the APIs for invoking blockchain has two invoking modes, one is sync
mode, the other is async
The default invoking mode is asynchronous, it will return without waiting for
blockchain transaction confirmation. In asynchronous mode, you should set
in the http header to receive blockchain transaction events.
The blockchain transaction event structure is defined as follows:
import google_protobuf "
// Blockchain transaction event payload
type BcTxEventPayload struct {
BlockNumber uint64 `json:"block_number"` // Block number
BlockHash []byte `json:"block_hash"` // Block hash
ChannelId string `json:"channel_id"` // Channel ID
ChaincodeId string `json:"chaincode_id"` // Chaincode ID
TransactionId string `json:"transaction_id"` // Transaction ID
Timestamp *google_protobuf.Timestamp `json:"timestamp"` // Transaction timestamp
IsInvalid bool `json:"is_invalid"` // Is transaction invalid
Payload interface{} `json:"payload"` // Transaction Payload
One blockchain transaction event sample as follows:
NOTE Please make sure that you response with http status code 200 when you have received one blockchain transaction event. If you don't respond, You might get the same event multiple times, because the sender cannot confirm that you have received the event, so it will resend.
If you don't care the blockchain transaction event, you can switch to synchronous invoking mode,
set Bc-Invoke-Mode
header to sync
value. In synchronous mode, it will not return until the blockchain
transaction is confirmed.