There are lots like them but these are mine;) Thank you for visiting, hope you find them useful and pleasing!
The workflow is highly keyboard based. I figured 98% of the time I use 6 programs only. Why not directly map them to keybindings. For eg $mod+v opens vim with a fzf prompt opened so you start searching quickly and opening the required file.
My clipboard solution uses a bash script and christoomey/vim-system-copy for vim to interact with wl-clipboard. The idea came from me not being satisfied with how clipman works.
I tried to use vim with wl-clipboard. But if you use this then there is a flickering that happens as vim opens the other window after running the command and then again redraws very quickly. Also I couldn't copy lines starting with " using this. So using christoomey's plugin is the best way imo for wl-clipboard integration with vim.
To open the clipboard do $mod+z.
To clear the clipboard contents do Mod4+z.
The weather module on the waybar. I took it from and modified it a little.
Try to write a script for automating the show song info feature of fmui. Fmui as it stands is extremely buggy to the point you cannot even search for songs having i in their name or the artist's name without triggering the info screen.