A well-built Android app of the classic 2048 game.

- Basic functionality
- Complete functionality and local persistence
├── adapter
│ └── GridAdapter.kt
├── data
│ ├── model
│ │ ├── Board.kt
│ │ ├── Cell.kt
│ │ ├── Game.kt
│ │ ├── Move.kt
│ │ ├── SavedGame.kt
│ │ └── SavedGameSerializer.kt
│ └── repository
│ └── GameRepository.kt
├── di
│ └── AppModule.kt
├── MainActivity.kt
├── MyApp.kt
├── util
│ └── Util.kt
├── view
│ ├── fragment
│ │ ├── GameFragment.kt
│ │ └── WinningFragment.kt
│ └── listener
│ └── OnSwipeTouchListener.kt
└── viewmodel
└── GameViewModel.kt
- Hilt (Dependency Injection)
- Proto Datastore (Typesafe local persistence)
Pull requests are welcome.
- Please make sure to follow the development style.
- For major changes, please open an issue first, and discuss, what you would like to change.