A robust, event-driven e-commerce backend system built with .NET 8, implementing modern architecture patterns and best practices for scalable online retail operations.
Brand Management
- Brands can Sign up as brand role
- Brands can create and share their own products under their name
- Complete support for Order Management
- Strict Validation on Order Creation
Product Management
- Complete CRUD operations for products
- Support for product images with validation
- Product categorization with tags
- Rating and comment system
- Brand association
User Management
- Secure user authentication using JWT
- Comprehensive user profiles including:
- Personal information (name, email, phone)
- Multiple delivery addresses
- Profile pictures
- Shopping history
- Newsletter subscriptions
- Shopping cart management
- Order processing
- Payment information handling
- Order status tracking
- Delivery status updates
- Custom event dispatcher system handling:
- Product availability notifications
- Brand release events
- Newsletter distributions
- Event-handler mapping and automatic dispatch
- Integration with IranAPI for address validation
- Comprehensive database of Iranian cities and provinces
- Bilingual support (English/Persian)
- Real address verification
- .NET 8: Latest framework version for optimal performance
- MS SQL Server: Primary database
- Entity Framework Core: ORM for database operations
- JWT: Token-based authentication
- BCrypt: Secure password hashing
- Local Storage: JWT token management
- AutoMapper: Efficient object-to-object mapping
- FluentValidation: Request validation
- Custom File Processing: Image validation and storage
- Brands
- Products
- Comments
- Events
- Newsletters (Brand & Product)
- Orders
- Payments
- Shopping Carts
- Tags
- Users
The system implements an event-driven architecture through:
- Singleton Event Dispatcher
- Event-Handler Registration
- Automatic Event Processing
- Newsletter Email Notifications
- Secure password hashing with BCrypt
- JWT-based authentication
- Input validation using FluentValidation
- Image content and format validation
- Secure file storage with unique naming
- Clean Architecture
- Event-driven design for loose coupling
- Repository pattern for data access
- Service layer architecture
- DTO pattern with AutoMapper
- Validator configurations using FluentValidation
- Clean separation of concerns
This project is licensed under the GPLv3 License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.