Rumprun unikernel packing tool, currently just making an AMI image of a given instance/volume on AWS. You need to prepare the binary and data.iso on the machine itself yourself.
Coming soon:
- actually preparing the Rumprun unikernel on the AWS instance
- documentation :)
- tests
AWS Go SDK is used to do work, so you need to give it proper AWS IAM credentials.
Create ~/.aws/credentials
and put following content inside:
aws_access_key_id = AKID1234567890
aws_secret_access_key = MY-SECRET-KEY
import (
. ""
func PackMyKernel(logChan chan string) bool {
// logChan channel is a simple string channel where progress log will be sent to
// together with any system output (shell commands & output)
ami_job := ami.NewJob("i-123445", "vol-12321", "aki-1332342", logChan)
// this triggers the job running, allows you to modify the job prior to running it
// this is a blocking call, similar to sync.WaitGroup.Wait
jobResult := ami_job.WaitJob()
// jobResult is either Rumpacker_Errored or Rumpacker_Done
if jobResult == Rumpacker_Errored {
return false
return true